I was doing some research, and came across scores on Sunny Beach which were published in N64 Magazine UK throughout 1998.
The "WR" here is listed as a "confirmed" 1:02.694 by "Chris Murphy", which we can assume is fake, due to this being ahead of the WR today by half a second.
That being said, the second place time was listed as 1:03.755 by a William Lam. Now, while this was way ahead of its time, given what we know about the Misuken story, it's at least plausible.
Has anyone ever had any communication with this William Lam? Could his 1:03.755 have been legit? What are your thoughts?
Here's one of the magazine entries; https://archive.org/details/n64magazineukcollection/N64%20Magazine%2019%20-%20september%201998%20%28UK%29%20%28Max-Rez%20version%29/page/n103/mode/2up
Control Agent 3:57
one of the most epic runs of my entire career.
Control Agent 3:57
16.3ish end
No crate boosts, first room was only OK.