Here is the VERY detailed Gamefaqs quide by eLmaGus
I found the best way to learn was to just do it a few times with the guide and a video open. I'm looking into making a spreadsheet that will outline optimal strategies for all the enemies. Don't forget to join the weekly SRL race on Mondays. Mystic Mondays 10PM EST (GMT-5) Best of luck with MQ and hope to see you on race night.
both have worked for me.. it really seems to depend on whether the slime wants to move up or not. usually take a hit when he moves up. but eh i'm learning the route so i'm not too worried about dying it seems to be a real possibility. my new stumbling block is the vampire but like all things, grinding will get me where i need to be
You should stick with it. It's always so satisfying when you hit goals. I'm picking this up as a speed game and currently battling with the casual gatekeeper (blue slime). But I'm certain once I am able to complete runs consistently I'll have a much better time. It's my favorite nes game and I really want to run it.
I play on PS4 because I do not have access to a pc capable of even running the game, let alone stream it. As such I do not have the ability to perform any glitches. Eventually, once I get a better pc i will definitely be challenging the glitched time but that may be years from now. As it stands i've set a personal goal of sub 5:30:00 for myself (which I should get on my next run). It would be nice to have glitched and glitchless separated as categories. The guide I wrote is for all systems glitchless. And I just found a 37 second time save over my previous route (already updated in the guide). Makes me think I need to comb through the entire game and time out each scene but I work 40+ hours a week and live with a roommate who's officially been sick of me playing Life is Strange since the first week I had it. Oh yeah, how can I post pictures of my notes so ya'll can see what I play off of when I'm running?