Presto0193 years ago

I would like to formally apologize to XmenORAvengers Before this post gets a bunch of hate hear me out I respect the dude and never wanted to come off as rude, I felt verbally abused so as a natural reaction I retaliated. I understand and have learned from my mistakes, I just found it unfair to receive hate for wanting to make a yt series, I agree that the first video was BAD, I could've handled the situation better. I promise not to ever lie again, I will make absolutely sure that my new review videos as informative as possible and gather more information through people with more skill than me!

As for now, I still feel a bit shaken by the situation but I'm sure all will be well. I do expect an apology from XmenORAvengers as I apologized for my mistakes I hope this situation becomes a distant memory

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About Presto019
3 years ago
3 years ago