You should specify whether or not youre allowed to start with a streak bonus
You can keep submitting runs while that one is pending. You can have as many pending runs as you would like (as long as you don't spam them). We take about 1-3 days to verify runs (though we are working on decreasing that time).
Kogul. You submitted your 37th place run yesterday.
This is suspicious but thanks
Also i have no problem deleting your comments whatsoever. It doesn't both me at all
When someone harasses me, i can leak whatever i want XD
Also, you do realize that this harassment can get you banned on here right? :b
Me deleting the comments helps you. This topic has been over, so I don't see why you guys feel the need to keep coming back. No one likes you. No one is supporting you. You guys are completely alone
the fact youre still commeenting this is sad lol, I couldn't imagine be this outraged over speedrunning
Most runs have been put into the correct categories, and I'm going to work on the rest later today
I removed three inactive verifiers. If you have an issue with the rules, runs, etc. just message me instead of making a pastebin insulting us. Messaging works a lot better
This could have been resolved much easier if people who had issues with the moderation/verification team, the rules, or previous runs MESSAGED THE MODERATION TEAM
"I dont want to insult moderators" your entire original pastebin was created for that sole reason