thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Note to self: make private messages

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 17 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

@SpiderSponge 🤔

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, and Noice like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Made a few changes to the theme editor over the past day, and I've added a few options to give you more costumisation. Changes include:

  • Background "fit to screen" setting, makes an image fill the entire window so it won't repeat at the sides
  • Background position options
  • Background repeat options
  • All of the above for Foreground, too
  • Foreground is now a little more hidden, in the hopes that it only gets used by people who know what they're doing
  • Modern-looking file browse fields
  • The scrolling mechanism has been changed to make backgrounds and foregrounds scroll much more smoothly

In addition, a lot of the default themes have been cleaned up / improved. The three time-dependent themes are also back - they change depending on your local time - try out the Milk theme, it's beautiful in the evening.

Let me know if you find any bugs :)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 16 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

I think what 607 doesn't understand is retina displays.

Mobiles and tablets have a really high resolution (some even 1080p), but not everything is displayed 1x size because then the text would be impossible to read on such a small screen, so everything gets upscaled (on most high-end mobiles, it can be upscaled 3x), including the images. And when images get upscaled, they get stretched, which causes the blurriness. To combat this, there are two techniques:

• Use SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images, which will automatically upscale themselves to suit whatever size they're displayed at. • Use high-quality images and display them at a lower resolution. For example, where a 16x16 icon needs to be displayed, use a 48x48 image instead and shrink it with CSS to 16x16, and when the icon gets stretched on a retina screen 3x (to 48x48), the 48x48 image will look sharp in its place.

I use the latter because they're a lot easier to make and a lot easier to manage.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Hey, get in touch with me on Discord and, if you can, link me to one of the runs that was in the category, and then I can check the old category ID.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 6 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Yeah, a while back (maybe a year ago), I stopped making custom favicons show. They've been removed for user themes, but they still show for games in your Following list on your profile.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

we HD now boys

High quality uploads are now supported on the following files:

• Theme logo • Game favicon • 1st place trophy • 2nd place trophy • 3rd place trophy • 4th place trophy • User picture • Custom user icon

If you reupload them, they'll look crisp on mobile / retina displays, like this:

Also, game cover images were being stored in HD since the beginning, so they're all looking sharper already!

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 27 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

... And JJthebro was never seen again.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 9 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Cool, I'll add the translator role to you on Discord as soon as I get home.

Yep that's what the æ icon means. It's super ugly and also needs an update :P

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 2 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Hey guys, nice to see interest in this is still alive. It took a little bit of a backseat the past few months while we were concentrating on other things, but I want to get it wrapped up and finished soon.

I also made a terrible decision when designing how the language data should be stored in the database (I'm too embarrassed to even say what it was), so I've gotta reorganise that, and that will also make it easier to translate things like game names into any language (not just Japanese).

For now, I've added Turkish and set you as a translator for it, SpiderSponge. You should also make sure you're in the Discord (link is in ... on the navbar) so that I can add you to the #translation channel.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 7 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Uh, it is on the list, dude.

I actually just added it yesterday, coincidentally. It wasn't originally because it's not on ISO-3166.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 4 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Thanks guys!

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 10 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Yeah, locked.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 4 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

Can you link me to a run where this is happening? It could be a http embed, which doesn't work on the now-https site.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, and Noice like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

@AbandonedSatan It must have been used for a previously-deleted account. PM me and I can enable it.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, and Noice like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

And if the username you want is already used by an inactive account (that is, hasn't been online in 6 months and has 0 runs), you can take their username (they'll just get an underscore added to their name).

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 15 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

@Flutter Done. But please try not to have such an ugly profile theme.

@Da-hitmane There's already someone called Daclister, but he hasn't been online for 3 months. Wait until it's been 6.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, and Noice like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

Reminder that as a mod of a leaderboard, you have a responsibility to listen to the runners' opinions and not just enforce your own.

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 5 others like this
thread: The Site
Pac7 years ago

Added the Degen Dash team so you can add them yourself.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 2 others like this
About Pac
10 years ago
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