thread: Speedrunning
MexicoMrDino0231 year ago

In GG Speedruns we are celebrating our 4th year anniversary.

We are a speedrunning community that organizes a lot of marathons, tournaments, races, showcases etc.

During our 4 years over 10k have been awarded in prizes thanks to sponsors and the community as well as over 10k has been awarded to multiple benefit causes and charities (also 100% thanks to the community and sponsors).

Our 4th year anniversary is this November and to celebrate we are doing our annual anniversary Marathon in benefit of CDKL5 as well as to spread awareness about this very rare condition.

If you want to submit for this marathon you can do so in here:

Join our discord if you have any questions or want to know more about any upcoming events we have going on:

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MexicoMrDino0231 year ago

We at GG Speedruns organize a variety of events through the year and we recently finished our "World Cuphead - Tournament of Legends" with 32 participants and the best of the best players in the Cuphead community.

We are now hosting our upcoming The Messenger - 8 Bit No OOB New Game tournament for both rookies and advanced players.

Check out the guidelines and dates in case you would like to participate in any of these events:


Rookie Tournament Sign Ups:

Regular Tournament Sign Ups:

MexicoMrDino0232 years ago

You dould do that but physical 1.0.0 is way slower than digital 1.0.1

The only way to downgrade digital version is via CFW

MexicoMrDino0232 years ago

Hmm I’m not sure I understand what is being requested here.

If you are slower than the threshold, you only need to submit proof of IGT and your run will be verified, you can submit more things if you want to, but proof of IGT its all thats needed.

MexicoMrDino0232 years ago

Video is already optional for runs above the threshold as well as showing version.

You only need proof of IGT for runs above the threshold

MexicoMrDino0232 years ago

Most of the loadings are about 1 second longer

MexicoMrDino0232 years ago

There are not that many sections where you are required to mash in the run and most of those bosses you can still do extremely decent without killing your hands mashing.

Even Raven Beak, you can do a really good fight without mashing, most of the timesaves for most still come from movement and other strats that don't involve mashing.

The reason I'm saying this is not because I would be against a category or something if it ever happens, but due to the wrong perception about having to mash to be able to run this game (when in reality is really less than 5% of the run)

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MexicoMrDino0233 years ago

Hey everyone, I wanted to share this in here as I'm sure there might be many people interested in joining.

Eagle Island Twist is an upcoming DLC for the 2d Platformer Eagle Island (DLC is free if you own the game)

The release will be on May 28th and there will be a speedrunning tournament with a total prize pool of $5k USD as well as another $5k USD donated to the National Audubon Society

Tournament will take place on 5 and 6 of June, so literally everyone will have a week to learn the run (It is a set route and not the actually full game, run takes about 25 mins to complete)

If you like indie 2d platformers with pixel art and want to participate, make sure to check the following link with all the guidelines about this event:

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thread: The Site
MexicoMrDino0233 years ago

Hello, I would like to request moderation for Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus

I submit a run 6 months ago and tried to reach the moderator in different social media to no response

User is @RantronBomb and it seems last time login was 8 months ago

Due to this I would like to be added as a supermod of the game and potentially have Rantron removed

MexicoMrDino0235 years ago

Hello everyone, as you might be aware, an SMB1 tournament is about to start where we have a total of 16 participants for a minimum prize pool of $50.

If you were not able to sign up, but want to participate as a commentator, feel free to join the discord and state that so that we can know who is willing to do commentary.

The matches schedule will be posted here:

And here is the link to the actual Discord:

If you have any questions, please let me know.

MexicoMrDino0235 years ago

Hey everyone!

I'm one of the creators of TeamGG, and I saw some of your concerns and came here to address them.

We just finished a speedrun marathon a week ago, and most of the runners were doing their run on their twitch channels, as far as I know, that clause is to restream the exact same content, since we are just taking the video feed and putting it in a completely different layour, with commentary as well as most likely, different audio (per second interval due to commentary and potentially the audio alternating between the runners) no one seem to have an issue.

However, for your own protection, we can provide with alternate stream keys just for your run during the race and that way you can avoid falling in any gray areas or any issues with your own account.

We are rebranding GG after this first marathon thou, and while we will keep the Mixer streams, we are also going to be using Twitch for this tournament at the same time as Mixer and see how that works for us as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out, we already have our first match scheduled for this Wednesday, we hope you guys have a blast.

This is a very important event for us since this is one of the most established communities, and having your support for one of our very first events its major for us, so we really want to bring as best quality as possible and are open for any feedback you guys might have.


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MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Hey everyone, last few hours for submissions for the first Speedrun Marathon on Mixer.

It doesn't matter what platform you stream on, you can participate in the marathon a potentially win a $20 USD gift card as well as you will be helping on a good cause.

For submissions you can go here

Here is the list of already submitted games:

MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Hey everyone, thinking about running this game, probably a longer category than the 8 bit one. I'm still on my first playthrough but I'm kind of practicing while I play.

With that being said, I got this strat to clear the dark cave 100% consistent without any weird or over complicated setups, hope you like it.

Coltaho, diggity and 2 others like this
MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

I've seen many people asking me if they have to stream on Mixer to participate in this event.

The answer is no.

All streaming platforms are welcome, wether you stream in Mixer, Twitch, YT, Facebook, etc... it doesn't matter. It is just the restream that will be happening on Mixer.

So make sure to invite your friends to participate, I guarantee you guys it will be an awesome marathon.

MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Hello everyone, submissions for the marathon are now open, everything goes, there are no restrictions in regards of type of game, category or amount of submissions per runner.

Of course, not 100% of the submitted runs will be accepted, but they all will definitely be reviewed to do the best schedule we possibly can.

So please get these links handy for submissions or questions:

Submission form:

Team GG Discord:

Or just ask questions here in the forum and I'll check as often as possible to reply to them all.


thread: The Site
MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Sure Liv.

For now it will be Jwillyverses and myself. I might be adding more in the future. But that would be it for now.

thread: The Site
MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Marathon Request:

Name: GG Speedrunning Marathon Stream: Charity: Submissions: Twitter: Discord: Dates: September 28th to 30th

GG is a community of streamers trying to organize events on mixer and trying to improve the presence of speedrunners in the platform. You don't need to be a Mixer streamer so submit a run.

The intention for the maraton is to run 24 hours from September 28 (starting around 4 CST) all the way until around 10pm CST on Sunday Sept 30th.

The marathon is also intended to help the organization CDKL5 Research and help spread awareness of CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. Any donations (if any) will go directly to the organization, no money will ever pass through our hands at all.

I hope a Marathon page can be created for this and if any other information is needed, please let me know.


MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

While Im not yet an official speedrunner of this game, I'm in many other games and been around learning and watching a lot from othe communities as well as Im one of the mods for Cuphead right now.

So, with that being said, here are my 2 cents about the meteonome.

I believe it shouls be allowed, even if it wasn't, there would be no real way to really know wether someone is using it or not.

There are other runs thst already allow similar use of tools to minimize bad RNG (In my opinion, how technodrome works is bad RNG (my definition of bad RNG is that one which ita not fun)) its no like trying to dodge a random attack from a boss or something similar which really add to the gameplay, this one almost feel straight out to troll you (even just playing the game casually).

As an example, Banjo Kazooie uses a Question Calculator for a section called "Furnace Fun" it is a part of the game that is a big trivia/board game, but some questions in the trivia are completely RNG based on hints thst you get in game with a total of 256 possible patterns at the start of your run... This calculator helps you keep track of the hints (you still have to get them each run) and narrow down the possible patterns to as close as 1 so that its not always an RNG hellfest everytime after 2 hours into the run.

This also rewards skills, it would be horrible to keep losing runs, maybe at incredible paces to something that runners have almost 0 control at.

Metronome is just an audio queue, which some people already use the title screen music as such as well as some people already use the credits screen to title screen as a visual queue, the start still needs to happen at an specific frame even if you have a metronome.

Also, it would rewards mostly original hardware players which is just more pluses to it imo. Since emulator users and mini console users would need to find out the exact time for the metronome that works for them indovidually, since most likely due to input delay, it would be different from the time Skunky mentioned.

And lastly, if there are some runners interested, but that is the only thing stopping them from actually running the game theb even better to allow it and make the community bigger.

So that are my 2 cents in this regards.


EDIT: Sorry for the typos, I wrote this from my cellphone

MexicoMrDino0236 years ago

Does anyone has a working link for WR so that I can see strats for this run?


MexicoMrDino0236 years ago


I would recommend that you check this thread to review the guidelines of what runs to post:

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About MrDino023
7 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Last run 3 years ago
Another Metroid 2 Remake
Another Metroid 2 Remake
Last run 7 years ago
Super Smash TV
Super Smash TV
Last run 1 year ago
Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Eagle Island
Eagle Island
Last run 3 years ago
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last run 5 years ago
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Zero Mission
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Another Metroid 2 Remake
Another Metroid 2 Remake
Last visit 1 year ago
Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
Last visit 1 year ago
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Zero Mission
Last visit 3 years ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Cuphead Category Extensions
Cuphead Category Extensions
Last visit 2 years ago
Eagle Island
Eagle Island
Last visit 1 year ago
Dick Tracy (Genesis)
Dick Tracy (Genesis)
Last visit 5 years ago
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Eagle Island
Eagle Island
Last action 2 years ago