Yes, the world record history graph has been broken for a while. is aware of the issue and a fix should (eventually) be released.
Roughly a week ago a poll was conducted among runners of the game in the Super Mario Odyssey Speedrunning Discord for the removal of categories. One of the categories polled was All Signs. All Signs' results were 36-40 in favor of staying.
Also, Nipple% is so incredibly active that it will not be considered for removal anytime soon.
It has been 2 weeks since you've submitted your run. Please be patient. Please also don't go to the forums and "shout" because, if anything, that gives me less incentive to verify it since you're just gonna be an ass.
Very few kingdoms change from the traditional Any% route, I don't see a reason for its existence.
Jumpless was a category on the CE board until mid-2019, where it was removed. The mod team has discussed it recently and our stance hasn't changed. Unless more activity is shown for the category, it will stay off the boards.
PLEASE if you're going to discuss categories do it in the Discord (, not in some random thread.
As for the suggested categories: Frozen Nipple% - Nipple% with half of any% and snow WP slapped on top of it, what's the point. Spooky% - Skeleton outfit is 9999 coins, the entire category would be coin grinding and would just be the most unfun thing ever. Before you say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work out" I would suggest looking at how the category would be routed. Every Costume - same problem, the entire category is coin grinding that no one wants to do.
Another reminder: suggesting categories without doing any runs doesn't help anyone. Do a run and submit it through the form.
The category as a whole was incredibly annoying to run, that's why the only person who did it said they would never run it again. If you have interest in the category, convince others to run it. If the mod team sees that there's interest, it may be readded.
Copied from another thread: "The CE Mod Team noticed their inactivity recently and polled for their removal in the SMO Speedrunning Discord. In a 45-11 decision, the All Purple Coin ILs were removed.
To our understanding very few people want the ILs to exist and even fewer people would actually care enough to grind them."
To my knowledge there are not any leaderboards being hosted by community members for them.
Then do them. Just because something isn’t on the Category Extensions board doesn’t mean you cannot run it. If you run it actively and enough people do the same, they may get readded.
The CE Mod Team noticed their inactivity recently and polled for their removal in the SMO Speedrunning Discord. In a 45-11 decision, the All Purple Coin ILs were removed.
To our understanding very few people want the ILs to exist and even fewer people would actually care enough to grind them.