thread: Prototype
New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20004 years ago

Nothing that I would call glitchy at all has been found so far. Would love to have more runners to explore and potentially find optimisations for the run :D

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thread: Prototype
New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20004 years ago

I don't remember off the top of my head, but the best way to learn is probably go through some of the other runs on the board and make note of when it is done. The WR run has them all.

thread: Prototype
New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20007 years ago

Yeah cheers, appreciate it :)

thread: Prototype
New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20007 years ago

The run was validated with video at the time, so I am inclined to keep the time posted on the leaderboards. As it was quite out of date in terms of route and strats I doubt leaving the time on the boards will cause any concern. If you have any concerns with this decision please feel free to discuss this more.

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

Because there are aspects of the run that could be considered arbitrary

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

Its just a tickbox under the category in edit settings, I just ticked it to show what it would look like, let me know what you think of that

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New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

I think the concern was due to how LR handles NG+ it should be placed as a "miscellaneous category", this way it is still represented on the leaderboards, but it is placed separately from other "Any%" categories due to its arbitrary nature. Also there is potential that, even when using a set save to make it less arbitrary, that new strats may be found and the save require editing to make things faster, but to edit the "one" save would be to make the previous runs invalid. As such I believe there is grounds to set this category under the miscellaneous categories feature on this website. I definitely agree with it being available on the leaderboards, as new ways to play and enjoy the game are great, but we do need to acknowledge its potentially arbitrary nature.

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

I can edit that to reflect the new timing

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

We are going to be updating the rules of each category to provide more clarity on a proper ending time for the speedrun. Previously the rules simply stated "timing ends on final results screen". The following clarification is going to be added to ensure timing is done correctly: "timing ends on the final input to dismiss the item drop results screen on Bhunivelze". This is to clarify that timing does not end on the 5 star results screen. Note: The time between these two end times is 3.9 seconds.

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

I'd like to know which part of this do you think is unfair?

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

As of 11/10/16, all Lightning Returns runs will require video proof of the run in order to be verified and added to the leaderboards. Runs without video proof that were previously accepted will not be removed. The rules of each category will be updated over the next few days to reflect this.

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New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

Just had a little play around with this. I don't think from first glance that this could be used to skip anything, you can pause the drop but you lose all forward momentum so you can't use it to get across the rooftops at Poltae. As for Lightning double jumping, she only seems to re-make the jump noise and then fall from her original jump. Interesting how changing shcema resets voice cues though.

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

Hey everyone, wanted to bring this topic back up, I have recently taken an interest in Easy Mode, have done routing and a run, , I have also got some notes in the works, almost done which can be thrown under resources if we get this as a category: (Only PC routed as of now). I have a few friends from other speed games who have shown an interest in giving this a go, and as an easier category I think adding it to the leaderboards and getting it known could be a really good way of getting LR more attention as a speed game. Please let me know your thoughts. I definitely think its something we should add to the leaderboards.

New South Wales, AustraliaMidg20008 years ago

I believe that these runs should stay as it gives new or current runners something to strive to achieve. As an example my current goal in 2FMHD crit is to beat BB's time. And I also feel if these runs are removed new runners won't know some of the times they can achieve and how they can grow with their abilities within that run.

About Midg2000
9 years ago
10 months ago
Games run
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Last run 4 years ago
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 7 years ago
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Games followed
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix HD
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last visit 4 years ago
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Last visit 1 year ago
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Last visit 1 year ago
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Last visit 7 years ago
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Games moderated
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII