RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

Это лучшее что я видел в своей жизни за пару месяцев. Великолепный подарок на новый год.

Не торопись, пили дальше, анонимусы-спидраннеры подумают над ранами данной великой игры.

RussiaMekarazium5 years ago

Hey there, it's me.

So, during the past ~3 months i've been thinking about the ways i should (again) run the boards. Since the <6.88 situation (where i've accidently removed all the runs, after backing them up in the Google Docs), it's been quite a lot of time for the patches to come, and for the runs to get submitted.

Eventually, we came to the point where 7.07 runs are unbeatable, map and heroes are changed, new mechanics were introduced. I guess it's time to make another board sweep.

This time, no runs will be lost.

In Misc. category, you will find [Legacy] runs. All current runs (prior to 7.22) will be held there without additional subcategories or separations, meaning 7.07 run will be competing against 7.00, 7.21, 7.16 etc. runs.

But Meka, what about older patches? Sure.

@TheLaughingMax discovered a way to launch older Dota versions by using backed up Source1 executable. Meaning that a vast majority of patches are now available to play. These runs will be held in Legacy category, which brings the older (GDocs) runs to a question.

Honestly, i've fucked up very badly last time (sorry, again), i wasn't experienced w/ backend of the site, and i actually should've tried doing a bunch of things differently. Since this "leaderboards patch" should fix the older problems, i consider bringing the older runs back, if i'll be able to recover them, somehow.

The following changes will be done during August:

  1. Moving all <7.22 runs to [Legacy] Misc. category.
  2. Reformatting DotA versions to be era-based (7.22 era, Legacy, 6.88 era, etc.), instead of version based
  3. I'll attempt to bring older runs back. If you want to take a look at them, use this link:

Expect your runs to suddenly disappear into Misc. categories. Thanks for your... patience?

RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

TL:DR 1) Record PS4/XB1 for testing IGT. 2) PC's HDD load times are incomparable to SSD, making the run P2W. 3) Loadless (IGT+Menus) might be the new way we'll time the runs. In theory.


Let's talk about one small problem. The loading times in this game are extremely volatile and can lead towards random timeloss problems during the run. Sure, you can buy SSD if you're PC player like me, but i'd like for you guys to take a brief look at the (dead) leaderboards.

So, as you might've noticed, the majority of PC players are on the board, while XB1/PS4 runs can be counted by fingers on 1 hand. Why is that? Some of you might write/say that: "Hey Meka, but console players are not running this game because they have no chances to compete against PC loading times!". And, if i will throw away random reasons why this game (and series) is not popular, the main reason is that the loading times are extremely obscure, even if you're playing on PC. With HDD, like a normal person.

So, as far as i'm researching, the current IGT timer in the game is relatively accurate. You can find the IGT pointer in the Cheat Engine table that's pinned in the Resources.

Timer works based on the time you spent on a mission. So, if you're menuing/pausing the game, the timer will stop. If that would be the case i'm asking you to test it, it's gonna be easy, because hey, you've already found the solution which can make the leaderboards a bit more friendly for the community!

The problem lies in the Timer itself. Myself, i don't want the menuing get out from the runs, as menuing alone allows you to save a lot of time, eliminating the need for the players to practice their menus.* At the same time, i know that loading times are extremely obscure, even if you will get an SSD. I want to make the leaderboards less P2W, and more "play better for better place".

That's why i'm calling XB1/PS4 players that do follow the game or have it on the console. Record your runs, the more data i'll get, the better. If the IGT timer works the same on consoles, then we'll probably switch (gotta talk w/ Bun later on) to full IGT, with menuing being still counted via manual checking.

So, the leaderboards will be a bit closer to loadless.

zerodux likes this
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

Uh. Hey guys.

Today, i faced a problem, and it's kinda something about BP runs done on XB1.

You see, as far as i'm concerned, there's no real way to highlight your runs on Twitch, and the only option that i found is to make a lots of clips. I don't really have any experience w/ consoles, the only option i have right now is to accept any XB1 run, that has some footage, based on clips. I can't really tell people to fuck off from the LB's, only because they don't own a PS3/PS4/PC, nor i can't tell you guys to buy a PC to highlight your own runs. The runs below were witnessed live by me, but because we know that Twitch automatically removes the recordings after 14d. ,it's something i want to discuss you with.

Current way of solving the problem for XB1 players would be showing three clips from the run, taken from the start, middle and the end of the run, on top of attaching the recording of the run. I know it's not a perfect one, but still something that will work for now.

I need a solution that will work for both console players that do not own a PC, and will preserve the current way the leaderboards are done.

Runs under question



RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

Community's decision.

How to guide:

  1. Get ArtMoney or CE.
  2. Go to any Divinity Statue > Items
  3. Search for your Red Orbs value
  4. Buy any item
  5. Search for value again
  6. Set one of the three values to 9.999.999

Was fun while it lasted. RIP.

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago


I'll probably downpatch the game, if i won't find any. You can find them here: \Steam\userdata\123123\220440\remote

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

Samurai-stuff DLC gives you free 3 points b4 you start the run.

I'm not using them, because theres nothing about it on the rules, and the majority of the runs are NG+, while there's only 3(or 4) NG runs, mine included.

jelly's run doesn't have M1 (vod problems, w/e), while it's possible to get 2 points on M2, and he spends them right away on M3.

Therefore, i came with the question above. If you want to make the leaderboards console-healthy, restrict DLC's, otherwise i see no reason to keep 3 points from the start.

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago


Dota 2 leaderboards are quite bad right now, and i'm not even talking about runners. I'm talking about the board itself.

Right now, it's pretty hard to change something, without breaking the rest of the runs in the table, hence, i'm planning to delete ALL non-Current(7.07) patch runs, and move them towards a separate Google Docs Table, and store them there.


  1. It makes the leaderboards a bit more easier to watch. Some categories that i wanted to add are bad, because hey, i can't exclude 7.00 and Legacy "patches" from it. Moving to the Misc. won't solve the problem of the runs being lost one day or another thanks to my manipulations to the board. Hence, the change.

  2. It allows me to work a bit faster with the categories/rules/organization stuff, instead of thinking what should i do with the rest of the runs, to avoid them disappearing.

  3. We might have a lot of new people jumping in towards Dota speedrunning, and i want to reform the leaderboards to look somewhat fresh, instead of being a legacy dumpster of the game that nobody runs.

I am waiting for everybody, that has runs in Dota2 for your input, because if i won't receive any, >i'll kick in the changes to the leaderboard ~14.11.2017<. That's more than enough to response.

Thanks for reading this wall of text.

UPD: The backup leaderboard will always be here and will be updated, should the new patch come in.

TheLaughingMax likes this
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

Anything specific i should know about it? SSD/HDD load differences/cutscene preloads, language preferences, some glitches based on a precise inputs/movements etc.

Also - some of your twitch links are broken in guides section, so you might wanna update it.

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

We had a little chat with charmander, and we decided to retime all runs for USF4 (for the test) to a new standard.

Before: Full RTA, no pauses. Gives unfair advantage to SSD/Preload (or both) for PC version of the game. It's super hard to beat PC version times atm, thanks to the abhormal load times on Consoles.

After: IGT, from the start of the fights till the end. The time will be counted by taking 99 (original starting time) and subtracting it by the K.O time.

Example: You start the timer like normal. First "cutscene" takes around 6 seconds, loadscreen takes 4, and you kill Hugo in 19 seconds.

Old rule: 29-31 sec. New rule: 19 sec.

Because most of the active runners are sitting on the same server (Speedyfists one), i highly doubt i'll see any other input about this rule, but you're free to write your opinion.

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

Using StyleSwitcher is fine to get rid of the sound bugs that can lower your FPS significantly during your run, but we found something that is not really allowed in the run, as SS allows you to chain 2 Air Hikes or more, depending on these:


If you change one of these, you'll get more or less ¤insert thing you've changed¤. This is most noticeable in NG+ Dante runs, as SD/SLDK costumes allows you to get towards some places a lot faster than NG route, and if you'll get more jumps(or Air Hikes) / Sky Stars, that's just unfair.

Therefore, if you're using SS, consider changing Air Hike / Sky Star values to 1. The runs won't get rejected because you're using SS, but they most likely will get rejected if you'll use more resources than Steam ver. of DMC3SE can offer.

Bulkich and PvtCb like this
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

payday2 will stay on your steam account if you'll setup it. NOT a 3 day F2P.

no dlc's, no anything, jsut a fresh game.

likes this
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

Suddenly, nobody leaves a link towards DMC discord. FeelsBadMan

RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

So, Mist found a huge bug, that allows you to unlock all items in the game and get 999k Red Orbs / 999k Proud Souls before you start the run. Aaand... you can't use it in your runs. Glitch is PC exclusive, as Consoles don't have PT.

Replication: 0) If you got Steam version of the game - turn off Steam Cloud.

  1. Launch the game normally, with fresh save.
  2. Go to Perfomance Test.
  3. Switch to the save folder, located in \CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4SPECIALEDITION
  4. Delete the savefile.
  5. Switch back to the game, select the character, select the difficulty.
  6. Check Power Up menu, if you did anything correctly, you'll notice it.

FourTwoEight and thePuck77 like this
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

lemme start straight: i don't think they changed the engine much from sfxtk, so i'll write next bunch of stuff below based on my theory, that the things i've did in sfxtk can work in usf4.

  1. you can manipulate ai.

depending on your position, the moves you're doing inb4 wakeup, and also, based on the type of the character, the pc will select different options.

that means, that if you will manage to keep distance of srk reversal, and spam smth like cr.lp, the enemy will perform srk and whiff it, because cr.lp hits are(usually) the fastest ones, and that also means you'll get free damage.

  1. developping quick cycles is essential on beating this game.

quick cycle = a) a combo / a move, that deals a lot of damage (120-150), so far it's honda's j.hp into st.hp, but im pretty sure that theres more ways to use that. b) doesn't knockback the enemy, this is quite important, because everytime you get a knockback(except for the inevitable stun), you're losing 1.5 seconds of time, unless pc makes a reversal that saves the run. c) takes 8-10 seconds (from the start) to end the match. with loads, it takes ~30-40 seconds to end every match, except for bonus rounds + seth(he should probably have a bit higher HP)

  1. preload

if you didn't noticed, but if you will start the game and do a run, the cutscenes will load like a bunch of old snails. slower cutscenes = slower run, and speed in our case is VERY important. therefore, before you start the actual run, do 1-2 arcade runs, first one should preload the cutscenes, second one will preload the rest of characters(hopefully) that you didn't saw the first time.

  1. "reset" rule.

in every game, theres a guy that always fucks your run, because no matter what are you doing, he's either doing a wakeup dp(ryu, ken, seth, dudley, akuma, oni), or he got a lot of HP(gief, hugo). therefore, if there's someone dedicated to this game as i was in sfxtk, you should try to figure out the wakeups, to not waste your time and reset if you get one of the bad ones.

but xd, who cares lmafomoaf

RussiaMekarazium8 years ago

so, considering im going to add it tomorrow, i found the old savefile from the things i would like to implement there, tl;dr version below.

main idea - league system, every 2-3 weeks we're going to change the rules(hero, map specifics, item restrictions etc), and the runs that were submitted will move to the misc. subcat. after the time pass on.

the runner that did the fastest result at the end of the time will have a possibility to setup some rules for the next league.

and that would be pretty good if there would be more than 3-4 people running 100 lh every single week.

RussiaMekarazium8 years ago

yay or nay, since you can't turn dota to these versions, unless you create a custom game downgrading dota version from current patch to the patch you needed.

RussiaMekarazium8 years ago

With a bunch of random questions ofc.

  1. Raid sections got their own leaderboards here [deleted]

What's the point of hosting the tables here?

  1. As U19 came in with decent changes(as you can't fight Kela without getting 100x JP at her arenas / Riven Mod clown fiesta), is theres a need to exclude her from main list of bosses + set U18 as legacy one?

  2. Any "active" runners nowadays? Because it seems what speedrunning community is pretty much dead.

HowDenKing likes this
About Mekarazium
There will be more godless nights.
8 years ago
Games run
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
DmC: Devil May Cry
DmC: Devil May Cry
Last run 3 years ago
Dota 2
Dota 2
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 1 year ago
The Darkness II
The Darkness II
Last run 4 years ago
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Games moderated
Dota 2
Dota 2
Last action 6 days ago
The Darkness II
The Darkness II
Last action 1 year ago
Jonathan Kane: The Protector
Jonathan Kane: The Protector
Last action 3 days ago
Darkest of Days
Darkest of Days
Last action 4 years ago