The best 1.16 and 1.17 seeds are SUPER luck based, but the best 1.18 seed is just a matter of how quickly you can navigate and dig down a ludicrous amount of blocks for the stronghold
I second Azurite, both for 1.20 but also for the new generation of 1.17 and 1.18, it changes set seed massively
I would just go with the most comfortable keybinds for you, I've asked the same question before and some of the runners I like use keybinds that I can't even begin to reach comfortably. Go with whatever feels natural and smooth. I'll still show mine as an example but it's more a matter of your hand positioning and arm posture, especially if you quick loot you need the one you are most comfortable with to make that as fast as possible.
1: caps lock 2: 2 3: 3 4: Mouse side button 1 5: r 6: q 7: 1 8: Mouse side button 2 9: c F5: g Drop item: ~