United StatesLv_1_Bidoof4 years ago

I was just thinking that including different difficulty options for categories could be fun. This way, someone could play in the easiest difficulty if they want the fastest strategies while allowing others to really challenge themselves to react to situations at higher difficulties.

What do you guys think about this idea?

DBcade and Slevanas like this
United StatesLv_1_Bidoof4 years ago

I think a lot of areas of the game could benefit from potential skips/glitches to speed things up. Because of this, I'm going to start glitch hunting, so I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to create a thread as a place to share any skips or glitches found. I'll make sure to update here if I find anything. Is that cool with the mods? If not, feel free to just delete this post.

EDIT: Ok, I've been doing some serious digging and I think I might be onto something with Tulshar's Forest. So far, I have found a way to get behind the temple before you collect the sword, shield, and hat. After getting back there, I found a way to move the camera into the temple, allowing you to see the inside. I can jump up at a certain point to make Mac visible. Depending on how this works out, we may have a temple skip. I'll do some more experimenting later.

Lyren and Andet like this
United StatesLv_1_Bidoof5 years ago

Hello, I just recently got this game, and I'm thinking about speedrunning it. noticed that people submit runs and already have the stamps showing that the completed the worlds. However, I'm not sure if they are using the Infinite Jump power or not.

In short, is the Infinite Jump power up allowed to be used to speedrun Any% or the 100% categories? If not, how can I reset my game so that I can speedrun it?

United StatesLv_1_Bidoof6 years ago

So I started running this game on the Switch, but I don't have a capture card yet. When I pick one up in the next few weeks, should I keep my current splits displaying my pb, or should I reset my pb to whatever I get on my first recorded run?

United StatesLv_1_Bidoof6 years ago

Hello, I'm new to speedrunning, and I've learned how to use OBS Studio by making YouTube videos. I was how I go about getting splits for speedruns? I would assume that I can connect the window it's in to the position I want in OBS, but I don't know what I need to download/get to make that work.

I'm really interested in speedrunning this game, and I've been learning the Any% route. Any response so I can practice splitting and playing would be great. I would love to see a visual of improvements I make. :)

About Lv_1_Bidoof
6 years ago
4 years ago
Games run
Soul Blade
Soul Blade
Last run 5 years ago
Macbat 64
Macbat 64
Last run 4 years ago
Mutant Mudds
Mutant Mudds
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Last visit 4 years ago
Dr. Mario (NES)
Dr. Mario (NES)
Last visit 5 years ago
Soul Blade
Soul Blade
Last visit 4 years ago
Macbat 64
Macbat 64
Last visit 4 years ago
Mort the Chicken
Mort the Chicken
Last visit 4 years ago