thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP7 months ago

I think that with the state of the game If people are open to do ILs I can sure support that. I'll probably add those within this week (life is hitting like a halo 3 hammer) and also Maybe a category for all challenges if the vibe's there.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP11 months ago

mmmmmh dis is for sure interesting. I'll look in to it int he weekend because I'm out of town for work but his might be avery nice development.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Now they have to just make some bound less solid and let us break the geometry easier!

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

I found a pointless oob that softlocks you while replicatind Decosmic's skip in chapter 15. Nice, at least I found a place where they did not put an invisible wall

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Ok I'm still trying to find applications for the air combo to skip fight but there are a lot of invisible walls, if not you could just fly from the towers in the eraly chapters, and if it's not walls it's well placed triggers. I'm slowly working throught the chapter trying stuff here and there, and I found just two fight skips for now.

The one I mentioned before in chapter 6

and one in chapeter 13

You can easily reach the stairs but I stopped before to show where the trigger is. Still working on stuff, hugghing every wall hoping to find a bigger sequence break/skip

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Using the same air combo with explosion you can skip the first Dog fight in chapter 6 when you're in the lower city

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

I did play around with that weapon and using the explosion jump you can sometimes jup when an invisible geometry block you but I didn't find any useful application except getting stuck in an elevator. Maybe there can be some geometry we can climb?

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

YEah run is very long, i did one myself too but didn't try much, just wantet do get the hang of the run. Nice idea for that skip!

Also, just found out my recorded run has no audio... So I can't submit it. Wasn't a great time but was the first run. Will do another

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

I like the idea of calling it CAKE and I agree that maybe it's too early for that. Let's just stick with the any%s for the time being, timing RTA untill the load remover gets figured out

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

What about 100%? It seems the game isn't properly tracking a pecentage, so we might stick with All chapters, All unlockables in chapters and all challenges? Maybe we could leave skills out, Is it even possbile to unlock all skills on a single run?

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

[quote]The rules seem perfectly fair. The only Gameplay Assists I touched were disabling having to hold the button to interact in menus and the shop and having to mash B. It only happens a handful of times in the entire game anyway.[/quote]

Oh those are just general accessibility option that I assumed everyone would use because one press is just better thjan mash/hold. What I was referring to are the Auto combat and Auto field options in the Gameplay assist menu that can simplify a lot of the actual combat and instead of disallow them or force somebiody to use them I would just prefer to add a column with Gemplay Assists YES/NO.

[quote]I feel removing loading screens manually is gonna be a pain. Just because of how many there are. Perhaps we could invalidate older runs once a load screen remover is sorted? At least then we can simplify getting on the leaderboard.[/quote]

Yeah, we could do that if everyone is ok for the time being. I asked somebody i know if he could try and make a load removal but he didn't answer me yet, so if anybody knows somebody that could and would get onto it feel free to throw it here.

[quote]For Any% NG at least, we should stipulate that you are allowed to use consumables. Not just the healing items. [/quote]

Oh yeah, we can specify it but I assumed you want to use those. Personally I think that there are fights and bosses where immunity and stuff can be very usefull.

[quote]Additionally. I had an idea about Any% NG that I wanted some feedback on myself. Since the Intro isn't tracked and is an RNG mess due to the random weapons you can use and combos, perhaps starting each run using a save file at the very start of Chapter 1 would be better. It would make runs more consistent anyway.[/quote]

I don't know about this. Yeas it's the first split and it can a bummer to start in the red because of RNG but in a run this long I don't think it's so prevalent.

[quote]Also. Thanks for considering my run. I realise that even if this IS approved, it won't stay in 1st place for long. Even I've managed to shave 54 seconds off that time already. A few more runs and a bit more experimentation and I should be able to get that time down massively.[/quote]

Sure man, it's the first run I have to consider it!

[quote]Also need to ask what the stance is gonna be on costume mods. Obviously wouldn't change the gameplay or the run in any way. And there's only 1 out there right now. But the community is undoubtably going to make more.

(At the very least, runs using the eventual nude mods should be invalid.)[/quote]

Nude mode will be banned in all cases. But I'll prefer not to allow mods for now, when you allow modify the game files even for costumes I always fear of tampering. About this we will discuss in the future when the inevitable Virgil mod will come out and I'll have to take a stance too.

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Ok so, I'm wotking on some rules for the categories, and I would like some feedback on this. There are a few things I had to keep in mind:

  • It would be better for PC runs to record both IGT and RTA times, but it seems the In Game Timer doesn't count a lot of stuff, especially between chapters, so the IGT for PC would have to be removed manually until a proper load removal/ autosplitter is implemented.
  • The game has a lot of accessibility options and especially has gameplay assist, I like this because this might help some players get into the game but I think it would be better to keep track of these options in a separate colum in the leaderboard.
  • The game is very solid and I didn't find any gamebreaking stuff that would require a discussion to allow/disallow it, so any trick for the time being is allowed.

With that in mind, the rules I'm going to propose to you are as following:

Any% NG

  • The run must be performed on a fresh file of the game, in order to do this you have to manually delete the save files from the in game folder.
  • Runs must be performed in Human difficulty
  • Timing starts when you skip the first loading screen after selecting new game and ends on the last hit on Harbringer
  • In the recording of the run you must show if you're using gameplay assists, this can be done before or after the run.
  • (PC Only) you must remove the loading times from the run, these are any black screen where the loading icon appears in the bottom right corner.

Any% NG+

  • The run must be perfomerd on a completed save and can be started from chapter selection.
  • Runs must be performed in Human difficulty
  • Timing starts when you skip the first loading screen after selecting new game and ends on the last hit on Harbringer
  • In the recording of the run you must show if you're using gameplay assists, this can be done before or after the run.
  • (PC Only) you must remove the loading times from the run, these are any black screen where the loading icon appears in the bottom right corner.

This rules are all up to debate before making them finals (and if we decide to keep the gemplay assists rule this won't impact the current recording sent by The_Archetype which I'm revieweing).

We should also find a way to define 100%, which might be all chapters, finding all unlockable powerups in each chapter and challenges? It sounds a lot but maybe someone is interested. On that note in the future we could also think of a All Challeges category wich you would access from the main menu.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Nice, I saw your run. At the moment I'm in bed sick because life is awful and the first full weekend of free time I have I also get a horrible flu but I'll get on that run as soon as I'm feeling better. I hope this game gets interesting with some breaky stuff even though it looks very solid.

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thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

I'm still on the first playthrough because of work stuff and events with the italian community but untill we can reliably rerset the save file I too think NG+ might be the safest route to get. About difficulties also I assume we can expand the leaderbords if the request for other difficulties start to raise. We should also think about the rules according to the avaiability of the combat assists and that stuff.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

I suppose that's the case yeah, I'll have to test stuff out and try to contact the devs.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

During the demo epriod I did some testing and recorded a run for fun. I then pulled the video of my run in premiere and I started doing some digging.

My RTA time for this run was 10:59.90 while the IGT was 09:33.02, timing starts when you skip the first loading screen with the control scheme and stops when the last scoring screen shows up after the ending cutscene. I cut off from the video all cutscenes and loading screen as shown in the pitcure: the purple segments at the beginning and end are the parts before I get control of the game inputs and after i lose control of the inputs, the pink parts are cutscenes, and the green parts are loading times, the blue parts are the remaining gameplay. Counting only the blue parts, the time was still 10:03.xx, so the In Game Timer is pausing during something else other than cutscenes and loading screens.

I did another test removing all the slowdown bits and score screen after the fights and this time I got something more insteresting, as shown in the pitcure again: the purple segments at the beginning and end are the parts before i get control of the game inputs and after i lose control of the inputs, the pink parts are cutscenes, and the green parts are loading times, the blue parts are the remaining gameplay and the yellow bits are clips from the first frame the camera slowdown starts to the first frame when i get control of the character again after the score screen. Counting only the blue parts, the time was still 09:43.xx, much closer to the actual In Game Time and it's possible that by cutting manually i still have 10 seconds spread across the blue clips.

With this it could be very possible that the In Game Timer is tracking only when you've actual full control of Briar and not anything else. I posted my findings to the devs aswell but I still have to receive an answer but they said they will look into it and letting me know.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Sure, a couple weeks sounds nice.

I'm also thinking of opening a general discovery and knowledge thread later today to post all the found stuff in one place for the time being, could be useful to not repeat stuff and maybe to open additional threads once we can go deeper on theory crafting on a particular subject.

thread: Soulstice
ItalyLlamaRP1 year ago

Hello there, I'm the moderator for this game and I welcome you to the work in progress speedrun section of Soulstice.

Today is launch day and with more people getting the game the categories can be refined and tuned with proper rules about timing and limitations. First players would have to finish the game so it will take a couple days before actually finalizing this stuff.

Also, I would wait before opening a Discord server because I believe it's better to let the page here on SRC consolidate before building another platform.

And Finally, I've alredy done some testing on the demo for IGT and the in game timer is super unreliable since it appears it doesn't count loading screens, which is good, but also cutscene and score screens. Probably the categories will keep the RTA times for consoles and for the PC version we would need someone to look into a loadless plugin for this game on livesplit.

With that, I wish you all a great launch day and I'll come to you soon with more infos!

ItalyLlamaRP7 years ago

I tried but the game doesn't pick up any inputs from it without xpadder, I also contact the support but they redirect me to an F.A.Q. page, this one, where it says that basically no modern controller is supported by the game.

ItalyLlamaRP7 years ago

I'm using a Xbox One controller mapped with xpadder, and thank you for the discord invite, I will join as soon as I'm free today

About LlamaRP
8 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Hitman 3
Hitman 3
Last run 7 months ago
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Hitman 3
Hitman 3
Last visit 2 months ago
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Last visit 4 months ago
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
Last visit 11 months ago
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Last visit 7 months ago
Games moderated
Last action 1 year ago