Kentucky, USALRock6176 months ago

Wolfmame 0.195, I believe.

thread: X-Men (1992)
Kentucky, USALRock6174 years ago

They're older runs, so that isn't going to happen, I'm afraid. Leaving them off the leaderboards just leaves this all in the same place as it was before these leaderboards were added. It really does seem like gatekeeping for the sake of doing nothing but.

But whatever. I don't mod this game. I'm just trying to motivate more people to push these categories because they're really fun and worth investigating.

and DBcade like this
thread: X-Men (1992)
Kentucky, USALRock6174 years ago


First and foremost, I'm thrilled that 1CC runs were finally approved as a category, because they're really cool runs that offer a great alternative to the mutant power strats of Any%.

However, the requirement to show difficulty is a bit taxing. I have perfectly good runs that I would like to submit for each category, but they're archived and don't have the difficulty featured.

So my question is, is the rule really that necessary? If so, it should be fairly easy to discern difficulty by comparing enemy count to other runs, but while I'd like to submit these runs to your leaderboards, I have no interest in running them again just for the sake of showing difficulty, especially when the times on these runs are quite good.

If that's a final ruling for the sake of having a ruling, then I don't think I have anything left to appeal. But I am willing to offer these as good initial benchmarks for each respective category, if you'll have them.

Thanks for your time.

Kentucky, USALRock6174 years ago

Luger actually has the top time for both SNES categories atm. There were some new strats discovered by DJTatsujin that catapulted him into top tier status really quick.

Bret is my main too, but speedrunning is just not where he shines, unfortunately.

GothrockMike likes this
Kentucky, USALRock6174 years ago

The Hardest difficulty category is essentially Any%. It's also the fastest way to complete the game with the optimal strats due to the high aggression of enemies leading to a lack of defense.

The major discernment is that the strats between, say, Hardest and Easiest, won't be different. It's still just going to be April doing what she does.

Honestly, the only other category I would consider at this point is Tournament Mode due to the crazy grind that goes with it.

thread: Speedrunning
Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Already been taken care of, but thanks!

thread: Speedrunning
Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago


I have a concern to raise regarding a game that I alone moderate. A situation has started regarding said game in the forums, and I could really use some assistance or guidance if any could be provided.

Thanks for any time and attention provided.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Haven't tested it on the Switch, but it would be categorized the same as an emulator run.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Tarot was showing me this run a few months back. It seems pretty legit, AND the runner has a account, though they never submitted this for whatever reason. The only run to their name on this site is a 2nd place time in Hokuto no Ken for the Famicom.

I considered submitting it in their name until I discovered the player had an account, so I decided against it. I'm not sure if BUGHONEY will ever read this or not, but if they do, I hope they submit this run proper. This run blows any other current top time out of the water, even SerpenSR's 10:4x.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

If you want to use your iPhone camera to record a run of Double Dragon, that's fine. A fair number of runners use the video camera mode of their phone to record their runs instead of using capture software on their PC. As for a timer to utilize on your phone, I'm afraid I don't have an answer there since I've never used my phone for both recording and timer simultaneously; only one or the other. You might be on your own there.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Ok, I know what you're referring to now.

I've never setup personalized images based on rank before, but I'll be happy to look into it.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Sorry, but I'm not certain of what this is that's being suggested. Is this in regards to difficulty, or speed setting, or something else entirely?

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Seeing as SerpenSR has no real means of contact and that his videos were never tracked or restored, our moderators had no choice but to remove the run from its designated spot.

Shame, too. It was a really good run with a lot of strats that I was never able to showcase myself. For any aspiring runners of this game, I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, take care!

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Hi. I'm a moderator for DD1 and something was brought to my attention. It appears that both of SerpenSR's top times in these two games appear to be offline, which means both games have WR times without videos. If any mod wants to respond, this will likely need to be resolved.

My current philosophy is "no vid, no did," which would eliminate both of the times until they're resubmitted (assuming they would be), but if others have a different suggestion, I wouldn't mind hearing it. Thoughts, anyone?

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

His best time under the name Baize was 11:14, which I beat last year with an 11:10, and then again with an 11:06. The popular theory right now is that Baize and SerpenSR are the same person, so the 10:44 would've been his current PB if that remains true.

The investigation is still ongoing, but if nothing else pops up, it's likely going to get turned into "no vid, no did" and inevitably be removed.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

That's a very good question. He also has the WR in DD3 and that VOD is missing as well. I went to the link for his Twitch channel and it appears to be offline, and I'm not certain if they were exported to YouTube or not.

From here, all I can do is investigate and check with the other mods.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

I don't believe so. I wanna say it was delisted back in 2011...

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Hey, everyone! Thanks to the awesome might of RottDawg and Garadas, the 360 version now has its own leaderboard. We felt this version deserved its own board due to some of the timing differences that are present in contrast to the original arcade PCB/emulator, plus the fact that dip switches can't be toggled and that every setting is set to default. Feel free to submit your runs here!

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

Hello! At the suggestion of an up-and-coming runner, I've taken the opportunity to develop a tutorial for running this game.

Kentucky, USALRock6175 years ago

I know I've requested 1CC categories in other games, but this time I come prepared with a video to start the category, at least. This also has the benefit of containing a great glitch in Stage 2 that saves 30 seconds, so it can be used in Any% as well. The final time per Avidemux was a 22:22.

Can we make this a thing?

About LRock617
8 years ago
4 days ago
Games run
The Simpsons Arcade Game
The Simpsons Arcade Game
Last run 4 years ago
Batman Returns (SNES)
Batman Returns (SNES)
Last run 6 years ago
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Last run 7 years ago
Double Dragon (NES)
Double Dragon (NES)
Last run 6 years ago
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Abobo's Big Adventure
Abobo's Big Adventure
Last visit 3 years ago
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
Last visit 7 months ago
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game
Last visit 1 month ago
Batman Returns (SNES)
Batman Returns (SNES)
Last visit 1 year ago
Captain America and the Avengers (Beat Em' Up)
ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
Last visit 4 years ago
Double Dragon (master system)
Double Dragon (master system)
Last visit 6 months ago
Double Dragon (NES)
Double Dragon (NES)
Last visit 5 months ago
Games moderated
Double Dragon (NES)
Double Dragon (NES)
Last action 14 days ago
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Arcade 1989
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Last action 2 months ago
Batman Returns (SNES)
Batman Returns (SNES)
Last action 1 month ago
Mickey's Safari in Letterland
Mickey's Safari in Letterland
Last action 1 month ago