BrazilKromer4 months ago

You don't know how much i agree with every point described in this document.

Not only about the massive amount of versions that builds the illusion of necessity to have categories and WRs for each one, but also the fair argument that it deminished the prestige over time, which is something that goes much deeper than just RE4, but it's also valid to every single game who follows the same path. I see this as one of the main reasons why Speedrunning is not as relevant as it was back in the day, simply because there are so many different versions to play, but in a weird way, it feels like there is nothing new, like everything has been discovered, everything is old. I think this happens because people focus so much on Steam (i'm not saying it's wrong to do that, it's the fastest version and deserves every bit of recognition and prestige for what's been built around it all these years) and ends up forgetting about the console potential we always had, i mean like "there are so many versions, but we have zero activity over them, so why should we care?".

With that being said, i also believe the main cause of this is the way that the console board is set up, it might not seem to be for some, but the fact of the matter is, liking or not, since 2014 SRC has been the number 1 source for speedrunning rankings and the main refference for those inside and outside of the speedrunning bubble and definitely affected the way people see speedrunning as it is today and when it comes to RE4 the situation becomes awkward, we have PC Steam boards totally fine, but in the other hand, a whole console potential being wasted under the idea that "people should have as many options as they desire" when at the end of the day, no one cares, no one ever will, therefore i much rather have a board with a few options that really matter something, than a whole plethora of options with no meaning behind it.

Regarding the console board, from my perspective, i've been speedrunning this game since 2015 and i've never seen a single soul complaining about the old format we had with HD/SD subcategories and to this day i can't fathom why it is what has become, with one category for every single version. In addition, i do think this discussion should've had taken place many years ago, even before the SRC mod team (with me being part of it at the time) decided to split consoles between subcategories.

At last, just like Auddy, i'm totally fine with purging some of the records i've achieved over the years with my console PBs if it means that things can change and we reach into a consensus to start it fresh. Regardless of this leading to new changes or not, i already feel encouraged to give GCUSB a try, seems fun.

thread: Jacked
BrazilKromer1 year ago

Hello @ItzFallenFly ,

The main difference between All Tracks and 100% is that 100% requires the achievement of every Gold Medal in the game, while All Tracks can be whatever medal you desire. That being said, there is a fair time difference between both, since some Tracks can be finished way earlier if you aim for Bronze/Silver.

ItzFallenFly likes this
BrazilKromer1 year ago

Olá, reforço a sugestão do Wagner e sugiro fazer uma comparação entre as runs para que possamos validar se a diferença de tempo se torna drástica ao ponto de confirmar uma possível vantagem/desvantagem entre dispositivos, se for esse o caso, estaremos totalmente dispostos a incluir tempos sem loads à leaderboard.

Escaloni and WagnerBrasil like this
BrazilKromer1 year ago


I recently got back to the game and i've been grinding a while, and as always, i like to spend some time doing my research to see if there is anything faster than the current Johnny Cage thing and by doing a quick comparison i realised that Kratos is actually the fastest character, to explain this, i'll leave the info below:

Johnny Cage (supposedly fastest character):

Average round: 12s27s Fastest Kintaro/Goro round possible: 20s Average Shao Kahn round: 32s~35s Best Shao Kahn round possible: 28s


Average round: 11s23s Fastest Kintaro/Goro round possible: 20s Average Shao Kahn round: 29s~33s Best Shao Kahn round possible: 26s

Basically, a godlike run with Kratos would be able to hit 5:0X, i even dare to say it's possible to sub 5 with him. The whole problem is, as we all already know, Kratos is a PS3 exclusive character and there is no way to import him to the PC version with mods or anything, the only alternative being RPCS3, which by the way it recently got a great update that allows the game to run smoothly at 60fps on any mid-end PC. With all that being said, i'd like to start a discussion about which alternative would be the best, allow emulator? separated categories? keep in mind that sooner or later this would become a subject of debate.

BrazilKromer1 year ago


If you're talking about game crashes, the PC' 07 game files have already been adapted and improved to the point where a game crash is pretty much unlikely to happen, i even dare to say it's a more stable version than Steam.

WagnerBrasil likes this
BrazilKromer2 years ago

Yes, they have their own subcategory.

BrazilKromer2 years ago


Runs no Very Hard podem ser feitas sim, porém como o próprio Welinton disse, o grau de dificuldade e a falta de estratégias faz a Speedrun parecer mais uma gameplay casual, ainda sim caso prefira, pode fazer, a run será aceita normalmente e se tivermos avanços significativos e mais pessoas interessadas, eu posso incluir como uma categoria á parte.

BrazilKromer2 years ago

[quote=Yuushi]You all think that using the new LRT will be a pay to win and that's true.[/quote]

1 Paragraph later...

[quote=Yuushi]So I would recommend the new LRT, which is fairer than the current LRT.[/quote]

If that's not the forum contradiction% WR then i don't know what it is.

Jokes aside, my individual opinion on this, and i want you guys to understand that i'm speaking without any moderation power or influence, is simply that P2W is not good in any shape or form, the LRT has many utilities and a few flaws but the whole purpose of it since day 1 was to allow fair play. Having a good condition to afford the best PC rig you can while telling other people "bruh just spend rivers of money if you want to compete with me" is beyond 5Head .

P2W demotivates people, phase out the interest of many beginners who could become WR Holder material and kill speedrun communities, keep the old LRT.

janopachano, Sawken and 9 others like this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

Honestly, if the game's IGT works properly, then there is no need to have subcategories for each platform, that's what i've been thinking about MK X as well. In fact, doesn't make too much sense to have subcategories for each console, since the game does not have any discrepancies between them rather than loading speed, pretty sure that the competition would be more atractive if we group everything together.

BrazilKromer3 years ago

We have a PS5 category so PS4 (and every other console) can have a fair competition, will the Xbox Series be in the same way?

NerdyNester and Tenka like this
BrazilKromer3 years ago


1 - A questão não é a forma que o hack foi utilizado, não interessa o ambiente ou circunstância da prática, mas sim a falta de procedência e credibilidade que implica especificamente nesse caso após todas as suas atitudes negativas, você não é um runner confiável. 2 - A comunidade simplesmente retribui o tratamento que recebe, respeito é pra quem tem, não é á toa que hoje eu sou moderador e possuo uma voz ativa. 3 - O outro runner á quem você se refere foi banido pelo mesmo motivo que você, não foi oportunismo, VOCÊS se responsabilizam por SUAS atitudes e mais ninguém. 4 - A utilização de recursos que facilitam a prática (modificador de inventários, trainers, etc) são permitidas de maneira democrática, dentro de um senso comum entre os membros da comunidade, sendo utilizados APENAS com a finalidade de prática, pesquisa e administração ágil para a modalidade, atentando-se às caracteristicas e aspectos originais do jogo que devem ser mantidos, desde o momento que o cronômetro começa, até o momento em que ele para, você saberia disso, se soubesse o mínimo sobre Speedrun, além do que o fato de outros runners terem sorte não lhe dá o direito de munir-se de uma vantagem moralmente ilícita, não existe argumento que justifique trapaça. 5 - Não demos credibilidade e/ou divulgação à terceiros envolvidos nesse caso, pois eles nem sequer foram mencionados em nenhuma das postagens, nem mesmo foram feitas publicações que envolvam o nome de pessoas que potencialmente mediaram a informação que levasse ao seu banimento, portanto isso é uma falsa alegação da sua parte. 6 - Como dito antes, você pode fazer quantas runs legitimas que quiser, a sua habilidade em destruir a própria reputação já justifica seu afastamento. 7 - Ninguém está falando mal de você, algo que eu tenho percebido é um excessivo complexo de superioridade, você não é tão grande e relevante quanto acha que é, eu particularmente não vejo ninguém do meu ciclo social, que é completamente oposto do seu falando de ti, até porque a comunidade em si não dá a mínima para sua existência, então acorda, você passou esse tempo todo falando com a parede e atacando pessoas deliberadamente, até mesmo á mim que sempre me mantive neutro e parcial nas decisões que regem a Leaderboard. 8 - Ninguém fará vídeos de "exposed" sobre você, pois se lhe serve como uma dose de Semancol, ninguém compactua com suas atitudes infantis para se rebaixar ao mesmo nível, você tem 18 anos Pablo, toma vergonha na cara, tretinha de internet para agradar moleques que não tem nem idade para usar esse site não vão te levar à lugar nenhum.

Parabéns, se estes eram os argumentos e justificativas de inocência que você tinha, todos acabam de ser refutados.

To end this once and for all, i'll be locking this thread, as i do not wish for this to become an infernal trainwreck drama because of someone that is not worth a second of our attention.

OnlyPabloS, Rafael_G and 6 others like this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

Hello, to clarify the following subject i must start by saying that it's been a while since PabloS' runs has been removed from all of RE4 Leaderboards, and we, not only from the mod team, but the RE4 speedrunning community as a whole decided to remain silent about this due to the circumstances that led to the incident, of course, the runner was given the reason for his ban when his runs got rejected, but still you can take our apologies for not making this out in public until now.

Long story short, Pablo admitted (yes, he admitted it, there was no accusation) the use of a hack that would allow a significant advantage against other runners by modifying the item that is dropped from one of the barrels at the beginning of chapter 4-2 to always get magnum ammo from it instead of a random item. As far as we know, Pablo did not submitted a cheated run to the boards, claiming of making use of the hack on offline attempts only, but due to his huge misconduct and toxic behavior towards the community, we can no longer consider his speedrunning activities trustworthy and knowing how ambiguous, not only the nature of the cheat, but also his intentions, we could never tell if he is cheating or not and we must not put our confidence upon someone who constantly attacked members and runners from this community for no reason whatsoever, breaking two specific rules from the website:

Remember, every community knows what's best for their Leaderboards and the kind of people they want around, i'm not saying that everybody has to be best friends, but mutual respect is not much to ask. To conclude, we don't have any plans on unbanning him, as a matter of fact, his actions always spoke louder than his words portraying himself as a bad person, we simply believe that this is not a place for him.

st0nks64, Saiker_j and 13 others like this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

Aight /ban AidenFear KEKW

richardian, TrichaelMan and 5 others like this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

Oh shit, here we go again

AidenFear likes this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

On the PC version the game adapts the displayed buttons according to the joystick you're using, so if you use a PS4 joystick, the game will display Playstation buttons, the same with Xbox. Also, it's pretty unlikely that this run was made on a PS4 since the required time to skip cutscenes is pretty short, normally it would take more time on a console even with a SSD. About the exit game button i couldn't quite understand the issue or how it affects the run in any shape or form, still, i wish the runner @Mike_Wazowski , if available, to come here and address the situation.

Fatal_King likes this
BrazilKromer3 years ago

PAL Region Free

BrazilKromer3 years ago

A dificuldade easy é disponível apenas nas versões Européia e Japonesa, no caso do Xbox 360, é necessário que seu console seja da região específica (Xbox europeu ou japonês) ou no caso de desbloqueio RGH/JTAG você pode pegar as versões na internet mesmo.

TODkkkj likes this
About Kromer
8 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Last run 4 years ago
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Last run 4 years ago
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011
Last run 5 years ago
Urban Reign
Urban Reign
Last run 5 months ago
Mortal Kombat Gold
Mortal Kombat Gold
Last run 2 years ago
Ultimate Flash Sonic
Ultimate Flash Sonic
Last run 5 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Duels
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Duels
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 4 years ago
Games moderated
Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition
Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition
Last action 2 months ago
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat X
Last action 5 days ago
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011
Last action 1 year ago
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Last action 4 months ago
Way of the Samurai 3
Way of the Samurai 3
Last action 2 years ago
The One Spell
The One Spell
Last action 5 years ago
Urban Reign
Urban Reign
Last action 5 months ago
Gungrave: Overdose
Gungrave: Overdose
Last action 1 year ago