Just making out more known, people who have been doing speedruns of Catz In The Hood have been receiving takedowns on their videos for "Violent criminal organizations" (As shown here: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641464195673489428/842823126956900373/unknown.png?width=715&height=468). If you do a run of the track on YouTube, I suggest just naming the video "CITH" or just "Garfield Kart speedrun" as I think the title is whats catching the youtube takedown bot. Thank you.
I had notifications about people being added as moderator and was following the game, just confused lol
Hey! I know I'm late to this, and I apologise! I'll look into this when I have some free time! :>
basically ntr cfw is a mod you can use for recording, its easy to tell when its used because the bottom screen will only be 5fps. but i feel ntr gives an unfair advantage as it boosts the framerate of the game to be higher, and the in game timer doesnt slow down with the game so it does give an advantage. maybe its worth stating its banned or something?
I have most down, will make sure to have it done tomorrow.
I started work on getting down all the runs in a notepad, I'll be adding the console subcategories once I have all the times down. It'll take a while but I'll have it done hopefully by the end of today.
If anyone does a run, PM me the video via discord and I'll check it out. Meaning I'd most likely add the category knowing people will do runs.
Would everyone prefer it to be memey like now or more serious? Also would people prefer ILs displayed over Full Game runs?
I want to edit a leaderboard to have a subcategory for each console but I have no experience on the matter. Anyone mind helping me?
Wait actually, would you prefer by console or Glitches and Glitchless?
Hey most of the mods for a game i kinda actually enjoy running havent been online in months/years. The only mod I ever see verify runs is Snowfats. I was wondering if you could fix the mod issue? Thank you. https://www.speedrun.com/garfieldkart