New York, USAK1TTY_BLADE6 years ago

You are wrong. Rude is above 15. Touche is the weakness. Each character has set weaknesses and if you use that weakness/touche it multiplies the part of the insult by 1.5x. For example, on sir knight your mother is you might do 8, but on father, it would do 13. rude is above 15, the only difference being that it makes the other person forget their sentence if they had a continuation. Here is how it actually works, each thing has a multiplier, for example "you" would be set to times 2.8 and don't own a color telly would be times 2.8 as well. It would multiply them, and it would round the number to 8. The game uses multipliers and rounding to find the value of each insult. something along the lines of "looks like", would usually have a 1.0x multiplier or anything from 0.9x to 1.5x, and it would multiply that with the subject used after it, than multiply the two subjects. When you use an and, it depends on what you do. If you do "your father(f) is dull and ugly(u) and doesn't own a colour telly(c)" It would look like this: "f(u) + f(c)". If you did "Your mother(m) is silly(s) and you(y) have an unsightly face(f)" It would look like this "m(s) + y(f)". If you have a combo, it multiplies the part of the insult that uses the combo. For example, "Your mother²(m) and your father(f) want some wang(w) and your beloved auntie(a) looks like(l) your sister(s)" it would look like this: m(w)2 + f(w) + a(ls)". After it has a number, it will round it and then you will have the value of the damage of your insult. It would subtract that value from the value of your health. Since all values have a limit, they reset when they reset when they reach that limit. If we assume that it is a 16 bit integer (From −32,768 to 32,767) then if you were to do 32,768, it would do -32,768. So if you were to do 65,536, it would do 0. Also, some combinations have a set value that gets multiplied with the combo/touche

7 years ago
1 year ago