So, a mod in a game I'm supermod at ( just messed up and deleted about half of the runs on accident (furthermore, it was because the other half was now invalid due to an update, so, technically, he deleted ALL the runs). Is there any possibility of getting that undone? I understand that, depending on how the site works internally, that may be impossible, but it would be great if it was possible.
Alright. This is how I've decided to attempt to fix stuff. Thunder and Maxi have shown me proof of the poor moderation habits of Paris and co. and I'm not only changing the moderator lineup, but I am also instating rules and standards that the moderators and users are to be held up to.
The moderation processes will be FULLY public and transparent. I'm expecting the moderators to make another sticky post stating eactly what the verification process for a run is and how it works, including details such as timing, framerates, and other stuff so that people know what is to be checked and have no surprises. Said post will also include the penalizations for rule breaking/cheating.
If they decide a player is deserving of a penalization, then the transparency will come into play, making a post for said player's case, stating the details such as which part of the moderation process was not passed and why, presenting the proof for their claim. It is then that the accused player is penalized accordingly until they are able to counter the proof presented and disprove the claims made against them. All of this is to happen publicly on the forum thread.
These processes are supposed to be as objective and public as possible to prevent disputes born out of doubt on the fairness of the issue.
Hopefully this will sort out most of the issues. As for the removed moderators who may feel they do not deserve to lose their spot, contact Thunder and/or Maxi, I trust them to choose who should be added as a moderator, which is now not as easy of a job given th standards that are to be followed.
Alright, good thing I've been keeping an eye in here just in case. One unwritten rule I've handled in the vanilla minecraft community (and anything else I moderate) is NO DRAMA. That is, nothing that has room to fuel heated discussion that could cause splits in the community.
So, if someone is going to be banned, it must be with conclusive evidence publicly posted, no room to discuss. Remember, the burden of proof falls on the one making the accusation, not the one being accused, they only should have to present proof if it is to counter proof already presented by the accusing party.
In conclusion, if someone is to be formally banned, a thread should be opened by a moderator presenting the proof and reasoning for the ban. Then if the one accused cannot counter the proof, they are to be banned. This all should be done in public and with no sugarcoating. Whichever happens is purely objective, and with no room to discuss.
Please take this into consideration. Drama and personal disputes often make leaderboards biased and/or inaccurate, which makes them lose their purpose.
The leaderboard at already supports runs in the console versions, given that they are not different enough in objectives, I believe they should be treated as a single game. we even have some console runs on the side objectives.
I'd like to have the times of this leaderboard that meet the rules of the main one be submitted there and have this one be deleted, since it clutters the minecraft series page and may cause confusion in the future.
I would appreciate if the moderators here would agree and comply either by doing the submissions and taking down this leaderboard, or by giving me super moderator status so I can do it myself.
Thank you for your time.
OK, now here is a thread so we can publicly discuss what happens with this leaderboard, with everyone being able to see everything.
So, ever since I looked into this community, X6 has never had a leaderboard people could be happy with, and discussions about it tended to end poorly, to the point where we had two separate leaderboards with completely different moderators, rulesets, and ways of displaying runs. Now that is rolling out and API that will supposedly allow to sync src and mmrta, we should try to unify the leaderboards under a clear ruleset. Since I and Zewing have mod both in here and in mmrta, we think applying changes that can get to be agreed upon will be possible even --and especially-- after the merge.
So far the options for possible changes relating to version comparison that have been suggested are:
- Make the standard PS1 and separate XC into different categories, while banning PS2 emu and standarizing the most accurate ps1 emus.
- Same as the above but instead of separating PS1 and XC, just hide XC runs.
- Keep everything compared together, banning PS2 emu, encouraging the use of XCollection since it is the fastest version.
- Time out loads to keep all emulators and consoles relatively comparable (doing this would make JP the faster version for All Stages and 100% because of text and Blaze Heatnix last donut skip and arguably any% because of text--testing needed--). This would be done either individually or by timing conversions similar to X4 in mmrta, depending on how much stability in time loads was detected. Banning PS2 emu if this option is taken would be up for discussion.
Along with that, it is needed to discuss what to do about the difficulties. Options that have been presented so far are:
Compare everything together, encouraging use of the 'fastest one', that being easy in all stages and any% and normal in 100%
Standarize normal and hide other difficulties from main view.
Standarize normal and completely ban other difficulties from being used.
Make separate categories for each difficulty, encouraging competition in all of them.
And here would also be the place to discuss whether to allow or disallow Fast Disc Speed.
Feel free to present any options that are not noted and could seem to be a good solution. Also, keep the discussion civil, no insults, unnecessary swearing, ad hominems, etc. Justify every opinion explaining the reasons that make you think it is valid and the best solution, and avoid having that reason be "because the other communities/games do it" as every game is a distinct case from the others.
2015/8/20 EDIT: [quote=Izraill] So, discussing with Zewing privately, we arrived to an idea to prevent clutter from many categories when separating difficulties and versions, as well as to give more recognition to XC. There will be 6 main (non-misc) categories: PS1 Any% (Normal), PS1 All Stages (Normal), PS1 100% (Normal), XC Any% (easy), XC All Stages (Easy), and and XC 100% (Normal). Since these seem to be the most "competitive" ones. The rest of the 18 or so categories would be sent to misc, since they are technically an option but don't matter. [/quote]