North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki5 years ago

Yow, I thought I will write my thoughts about ESAWinter here aswell. Most things are already mentioned but I thought I will add some thoughts aswell :

  • No two streams in the same Room, I really hope that this is going to stay this way, having both streams in one room is just shit, so please keep this setup.

~ Streamingroom and Practice room together is fine by me as you can watch the stream while practicing or just chillin in the room without being in the cam, however I heard and saw that a lot of peeps were annoyed about it, but then I would have no clue how to use this big room better, maybe there can be a better though around this.

  • I dunno what was going on this year, but for some reason there were more issues with the PC games and the runs there? As this is a first time for me it was just a bit suprising as the years before it was never a problem, (Deus Ex Human Revolution, FPS falling down to 10-20FPS during loading times, C&C Mouse lagging while in screen) I also heard from other PC runners that there were multiple issues in this regard. I know that there could be tons of reasons for this, maybe too many programms on the PCs, configs overwritting each other, programs overlapping and interfering etc. Not sure how to handle this as currently, as the setup before the stream starts via remote was a cool idea, however I hope that for Summer this won't be a big issue.

--- I really don't get this point and I see that this is still the same issue since 2014, but dear god, even though we are in a hotel can people stop being assholes and just throw their trash away??? Everywhere you go around the venue you just saw ice cream packages, softdrinks, candy, popcornholder and nobody is removing those. At least now cups and glasses have to be returned so they were not that often seen around.

That should be it! I'm happy that the Event is growing so much over the years and that more people are coming over! Always love to attent and see my speedfamily for a week. See you at Summer! :D

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki7 years ago

Yoho, I will give my Feedback aswell! :D

Tech /Hosting : ++ Mostly on Schedule with some minor changes, that is well done!

  • I was running games on PC only and so far there were no issues, just smaller problems while setting up but since we were setting things up it was alright especially when there is enough time before the run or during a console run.
  • Hosting was done very well, software used seemed to be good too with all the proper information given. +/- Now since I did not "needed" a practice PC or room I did not use it so I was not sure how many or if there was even a practice computer. But all in all, it was good! +/- Wifi was working and sometimes not, just a "smaller" issue since I needed to use steamguard to login and had no access until onestay gave it to me over his phone, could have otherwise lead to issues while setting up.
  • The game audio was just sometimes way too high and the mic had some cracking voice when I did my run which was abit uncomfortable, still managable though.

Streamroom :

  • Streamroom was having space, good light and setups, stream was able to watch from the back row even and it was really cool! Reminded me alot of ESA 2014 of the small stream setup! :D

Location : ++ Location was not too far from the mainstation which was nice ++ KITCHEN! Seriously I'm missing that since ESA14, wish more placed had that for a marathon.

  • Stores / Restaurants etc were all reachable and not far for a walk
  • Babyhuenchens map which gave a lot of intel before the event already!
  • Masshousing was good! Not too cold with a blanket, toilets were clean.

And now that I listed most of the things here the big negativ thing which I had during the marathon...

The event is too short! Next time for atleast a week! Enjoyed meeting up with everyone again but since not everyone was available all the time it was hard to do something with everyone! But all in all a good first impression and I would love to see more in the future! Hopefully with more volunteers helping out.

Otherwise thanks to everyone who was there! It was nice meeting everyone again after awhile and I can't wait to see you next time! :D

Cheers Heinki

Onestay likes this
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki8 years ago

Heya carlduff,

Yeah I meaned that the Glitchless thing is just boring imo, If you like it then that is good! I didn't mean to offend you or anything, just that it is not something for me. :P

The Glitchless category should be a thing and can be a thing, I don't see a problem with that, how many people will run it, nobody knows, but it is still a nice thing to be there.

Absolute Zero% was low% indeed, I forgot about that fact in this case.

But as said before, run what you like, enjoy it and have fun, this is not some company business were you have to make wins and please your clients. :P

best wishes, Heinki

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki8 years ago


I agree with Glitchless it can be a category since it is everywhere a category, just boring but that is another thing. :P

About the foxiest of hound / Give me deus ex thing I wouldn't say that this needs to be a category, then everyone can just do a different difficulty and say that it is any% on Hard/Easy/Middle which doesn't even make anything different (Unless there are damage boost which can be done only on one difficulty)

If it would be something absolute crazy like Absolute Zero% I would say it would be worth a category since, you are making a really hard challenge combined, and not just put yourself invisible most of the time. (AZ = No takedowns, No augmentations, No items, 100% Ghost, GMDE)

But in general, run the category you like to do and how you wanna do it, nobody is stopping you from that, just don't think we need 10 any% categories on the leaderboards. :P

Best wishes, Heinki

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki8 years ago

Late to the party but here will be my stuff, alot of repititon , alot might be new bla bla bla , here we go!


  • The hall (I liked the big environment)
  • Mass housing, was close and luckily I feel warm all the time so no problems with the AC for me.
  • "Kitchen", Atleast to heat and store food, still missing the one from 2 years ago.
  • Meeting everyone again! That alone is worth the event!
  • Internet access which was stable!
  • Hosting software, thank god for that tracker, The stoneaged programm from last year is just utter bullshit in tons of ways, so thanks to see a final good version this time!
  • The Trainingsroom! (As someone who trains everyday this was perfect! :P )
  • Sideevents (Hearthstone tournament, Bumperball, Mafia, HTC Vive, Rockband etc)
  • Hosting, had alot of fun and was way better then last year. I did not had to walk up twice to do the hosting job for someone else during a run I couch. :P
  • Sofa and chairs, fucking finally we got rid of those awful chairs from the last two years.


  • PCs, multiple reasons here, 1. Not enough PCs this year at all, 2. Gear was awful and couldn't run some of the modern games. 3. Were full with trash on arrival.

  • Tech and delay, I know that the first 3 days were awful and I don't think I need to mention that, however just to add that to the list so this is not getting forgotten for next time. Just sad to see this since I loved the tech the last two years and this year was just bad.

  • Tech, another thing which was pissing me off was that the runner got blamed for bad tech, just WTF, check the stuff first next time before blaming the runner. >:(

  • Transition, Musik from the start when nothing was going on would have been nice and better communication. Sometimes the "Tech Ready" sign did not even get used at all, so It was a guessing game as a host to know if they wave to be ready or that they wanna say something or that dinosaurs are falling from the sky. Just please don't make this a guessing game for next year.

  • Watching the stream at the event, I never felt like not watching speedruns then this year at the event, this was really dissapointing at the start, the TVs "kinda" worked but the setup for that was pretty late.

  • 2nd stream, I know that alot of tech got send in later , but still this is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth when the 2nd stream got cut to improve the 1st stream tech and it still ends in chaos, I doubt that I am the only one who feels that way, mostly mentioning this as a reminder.

  • Streamlayout, I feel like this years layout was pretty bad compared to the last two years but that is probably just my taste, anyways just adding this.

  • Schedule, this schedule was a hot mess, I remember during the Borderlands 2 hosting shift it took around 30-40mins, even when I went through the Hosting stuff with Momo we were done after 20mins reading all sponsors, donation, and even Bitwars. I know that some even had longer ones with around 50mins to 1hr! That really shouldn't happen.

  • Interview, all in all it was alright, but sometimes it felt like "forced" on people, and sometimes the hosts did not even know what to ask/say depending on their experience. Maybe put a cheat sheet like with the sponsors of generic stuff people could ask the runner since mostly the hosts were relaxing or not paying attention to the run at all.

All In all I'm happy about the Event and Meeting everyone, this is the main priority for me, just sad to see that all the stuff which happend on the stream or which was connected to stream was really just meh or bad this year. Normally I was everytime impressed and excited to see how fluent it works compared to gdqs e.g. but this year it was the other way around... :/

Thanks for reading or not! Here is my hot potatoe to the thread.

EDIT : One thing I forgot to mention, and this GOES TO ALL YOU FUCKING PIGS!

Like seriously fucking hell!!!! TOMPA IS NOT YOUR MAID TO CLEAN YOUR SHIT!

Seriously, I feel like beating those guys up for the waste and garbage they left behind, like if you are going to an event and you can't clean after yourself then don't fucking go and stay home where your mom is cleaning your shit. I just can't understand this. Tompa is not your cleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matse007, Nord and 5 others like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki8 years ago

Aww shit! luckily Spat told me about this! I'M IN!!!!! :D

HaosEdge, Monojira and 3 others like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Game : Deus ex System : PC Category : any% Run estimate : 1:00:00 Ending/Bonus estimate : 0:02:00 Possible donation incentives : no Sample run video :

Description : Breaking the game from the start via glitchy saves, abusing augmentations to jump through entire maps, duping all items to have endless supply, and clipping through doors because it is faster then opening them. Could show at the end a interesting wall with an interesting texture...

Game : Deus ex Human Revolution System : PC Category : any% Run estimate : 1:00:00 Ending/Bonus estimate : 0:05:00 Possible donation incentives : no Sample run video :

Description : Boxes and fire extinguisher are all you need in this game to break it. Some physic tricks here and there with grenades and mines and we are good to skip more then half of the levels or entire levels. Could show some interesting Level design mechanics which we found out during our glitchhunting + possible to punch our friends in the face via going OOB in one level.

Available time : between 19:00-23:00

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Remember to follow / subscribe / donate. Kappa

TonyOgbot, tatticadanito, and Joee like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Heya, going to throw my 2 cents in aswell , Second Event and Shitloads of fun this year once again! :D I'm going to mostly point out the negativ things because if I start with the positiv it will be way too long! :P

  • Streaming area -

I loved the Idea to have both streams in the same area! It was comfortable to see both and I was suprised that it went much smoother then I expected! I think Tech had alot of better nights then last years aswell. ;)

  • Hosting -

Last year at ESA we got asked if people want to do the hosting and then got a quick guide thorugh how everything works. So my question, Why the fuck was it not done this year?! I had to go in the middle of the shenmue 2 run when I was a commentator to the Host desk to change stuff and almost had to do the same again for the Styx run! This is just Bullshit on so many levels. Whenever I was taking over the hosting, Nobody was putting the times into the Google doc, nobody changed and updated the schedule on the ESA page. Most did not even know how to change the Title or even used the little piece of paper which was on the Keyboard which helped especially for those who are new to make an Introduction! Sometimes it was hard to go on to interact with chat I agree, even when I went through the list and said everything about the event, location donation next coming run and category, there was sometimes alot of time where you had to say nothing, just try to interact with chat, and just try to be neutral don't answer every troll question which is comming in!!!!!!!!!!

  • Seats -

Like last year when I complained about the chairs, this year was even worse. I will just repeat myself from last year. You don't need to get now new chairs for 100 persons, but we deffinetly need to think of something to make those shitthings comfortable! It was not a pleasure sitting on those for 2hrs or longer.

  • Garbage -

I think from Wednesday on when I was in the small kitchen with the microwave I was throwing the garbage of the Can bags into the correct trash every fucking day! And There were not even only just packages, people were throwing their food in there aswell and the packages with that and the FUCKING sauce! I was pissed so many times and I don't know why I cleaned it up everyday but this is just utter shit behaviour. Next time I see that I hope I get the permission to punch those guys.

  • Mass housing -

Only thing I did not understand with this is why it was not where the Mafia room was before like in the first two days! I was pretty exited about it by the feeling just to wake up and instantly see other runners and streams going on! But all of the sudden we had to do that 20min walk distant which was pretty shitty if you just wanted to rest for like 2-3hrs before the next run came up or a run you wanted to catch. Mostly I tried to get as much sleep in the venue before someone woke me up because I don't want to walk 40mins back and forth just to catch in the end 1hr of sleep when i can just lay down there and sleep until the run starts. I mean the mafia games could have been deffinetly done in the small fighting room area aswell and people where not sleeping all the time so maybe you could just stack up air matresses to make space for those who want to sleep so you can use the room as much as you can or share air matresses with someone else when nobody is using it while a run is going on and have backup air matresses? Not sure about it but I just hope this is not going to be the same thing next year!

  • Stealing -

I almost forgot this, but I'm really really sad that such things happend. On the first day when I was labelling my stuff (chocolate, food, juice, vegetables) people just took vegetables from my stuff, used my milk, took all of the candy and chocolate I had put into the little storage over the Event. Like C'mon! I am not upset if someone stole my 5sek candy or instant noodles but WHY THE FUCK are you doing that in the first place?! It is not that ultra expensive and I don't mind charing my shit if I get asked for it, but don't fucking steal stuff from others. I couldn't believe it when I saw my things dissapear one by one every day and I was not planning on taking the stuff everytime with me to the mass housing. later on I just bought everything on the day when I needed that. But this stealing, is really embarrasing imo. (5 SEK CHOCOLATE!!!! WHY?!?!)

All in all this is just the only negativ experience I made, everything else was amazing hillarious and fun! I had alot of fun and I'm still dissapointed that it was only 1 week meeting all those awesome people! I'm already looking forward to next year and hope that this time there is going to be a kitchen again! :P

Alko and Trollbear666 like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago


Little change again because of Metal Slug 3 Coop run with Nogatin, He did not get his holidays earlier so he will only arrive at the 3rd. So if we can have the run on the 3rd around evening that would be perfect. ( Like it was before... )

Sorry for this mess, :/

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago


I will be travelling back on the 3rd probably so I can't do the Metal Slug Coop run with Nogatin! Is it somehow possible to do that earlier on the days?

Thanks in advance! :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution any%

Got a new PB and once again new Strats got discovered!

PenAgain is doing alot of runs aswell so we are still up to date with the race! :D

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Edenal, did the payment via Paypal came through?

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Paid. :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyHeinki9 years ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution any%

Still up to date with the run, found some more consistent strats which is giving alot of new PB's and is pushing DXHR under 44 mins.

Metal Slug Coop%

Doing runs when we both have time, but getting consistent runs under 40mins, so that is not a problem either.

About Heinki
10 years ago
14 days ago
Games run
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Last run 1 year ago
Deus Ex
Deus Ex
Last run 5 years ago
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 7 years ago
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Last run 3 years ago
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Last run 10 years ago
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Games followed
Last visit 3 years ago
Command & Conquer Remastered
Command & Conquer Remastered
Last visit 1 year ago
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Last visit 1 year ago
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Deus Ex
Deus Ex
Last action 8 years ago
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Last action 3 years ago
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Last action 6 years ago