U can only think it is a way to practise but it shouldnt be a category
Is it sppedrun with 1/3 speed?
If it is i dont support
It seems that someone in scratch insulted CHN and then the government have decided to blocked scratch website for every people who has Chinese IP address to avoid being insulted
So every chinese runner cant access scratch without using vpn to change into an abroad ip address@BlastMagic
I'm afraid speedrun.com would be blocked too
ok I'll try to sumbit a sub 70 run in pogostuck :)
Wait wtf
I don't want to upload 45 until there are 10 runners in front of me or its the summer holiday
Why pogostuck is not here
I ve got a 86s
And im trying to reach sub 70 or even more
I have got a 63s with a lot of mistakes and it used speed-changing
Its absolutely possible to beat sub 60 and im sure it will be so
so plz add pogostuck map into the leaderboard
oh i didnt understand lol
i dont think it can save time
i used the strat to play a couple month ago with speedchanging
i only got 2.66s
but i got 2.56s with normal strat
Isnt go down faster is not allowed?
It obviously could not allowed in all skip
i think u need to do a snowman skip then go back to do mountain skip which is not allowed @monkiy
Low friction is really different from NO friction lol
If you play no friction you couldnt get over orange hill and ice mountain
The tas could only get to orange hill by zemovi (Zonakkis)
lmao XD
I dont even know that lol
So is he mean he dont wanna answer the question?
I invoke the Fifth Amendment
What does this mean
is it an idiom?
No except u r a moderator
my goiwbf pb is 1:41.4s
When will the goise tournament begin? Maybe i cant take part in it
Is there any possibility to get a sub40?
Who can create a account of aerfaying.com and then give a goise project to me 'cause i didnt have vpn to connect scratch.mit.edu
How to do a sub3 toturial (I got 7 sub3.07 but no sub3 yet)
How to play goise with trackpad or mouse ezily
What's ur goiwbf pb
cringe? wdym @BlastMagic
ur goise improvement is toooooo slow
i think u can try to get a sub1:30 in just a month
how long have u played goise a day