United StatesGretaIceVixen11 months ago

Hi there, the reason there's not a subcategory for every Pokemon is because no one has done a run of anything other than Glaceon - at least not that anyone has told us about. We add categories only once they have been done, otherwise we'd have 400 subcategories sitting empty. If you've done a certain run, let us know and we can certainly add it for you! Sorry for the confusion!

Pear likes this
United StatesGretaIceVixen1 year ago

Yes, specifically showing that the system is using the internet to determine what time it is. It's much more difficult to cheat under that method.

United StatesGretaIceVixen1 year ago

The current rules for breaks during the run are that you show the System Clock is set to "Synchronize Clock via Internet" both before and after your break, that way we can see the amount of time between the starting and stopping of your recording. So, if the clock lines up, and you don't open up the game again during your break + nothing changes, then that's solid proof!

Revxrend likes this
United StatesGretaIceVixen1 year ago

Hi, I don't think many people would agree with not requiring video proof for a speedrun. Even if it's ridiculously long, you could certainly do it with breaks and multiple parts; it's something that we would need to discuss within the community though.

Revxrend likes this
United StatesGretaIceVixen1 year ago

Hi there! So, the answer would probably be "sure why not what's the harm", however the only way to trade in a fast ball (or any ball, or any item in general) would be through trading with another player, which is not allowed. If items could be transferred through Pokemon Home, then sure that would be fine, but since you'd have to use the internet and trade with a separate account/console, that would be against our rules. Sorry about that, thank you for asking!

United StatesGretaIceVixen2 years ago

Hey there, generally "catch a shiny" runs aren't really something we typically do, because like you said, it heavily involves "pure luck." You really could take one step out of Pallet Town and have a shiny spawn on top of you, effectively killing the category forever because how are you ever supposed to beat or recreate that without just doing resets for all eternity. I'd say this idea is best suited for off-leaderboard, just for fun type stuff. Thank you!

Woobou and Pear like this
United StatesGretaIceVixen2 years ago

Use of in-game settings does not count as cheating, no. You are also going to want to disable movies in the settings as well. Make sure you double check all of the other rules for the game before your run, including where the run starts and ends. Thank you!

United StatesGretaIceVixen3 years ago

If you haven't already, you should join our discord to leave suggestions and be more in on the discussion. Most of these would fall under category extensions, more than likely. Category extensions are pretty laid back, so if you do a run and want it added, just ask and it can probably happen. And yes, of course we will have an Any% category here on the main board.

BROkeTheMc likes this
United StatesGretaIceVixen3 years ago

I'd recommend you join our discord if you haven't already, most discussion goes on there and there's a couple sets of notes already available. People should start posting their notes under the Guides tab here on src soon though.

Ecgtheow and Meliora like this
United StatesGretaIceVixen3 years ago

good run but this video is way better

NewAmber likes this
United StatesGretaIceVixen4 years ago

No specific difficulty is required, although I'm guessing if you did maddening you could propose a separate category for it? But yeah do whatever you want, Normal/Classic is fastest (kill off your students in order to not have them ask questions/get in the way/learn skills.)

About GretaIceVixen
4 years ago
Games run
Pokémon Sword/Shield Category Extensions
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Last run 2 months ago
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Last run 2 years ago
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Last run 3 years ago
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Last visit 1 year ago
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Last visit 1 year ago
Pokémon Sword/Shield Category Extensions
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Pokémon Sword/Shield Category Extensions
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Last action 13 days ago
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Last action 8 days ago
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Last action 2 months ago
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Category Extensions