New York, USAGoukiAkujiki2 years ago

You can get that Arlington lap under 1:40 I know you can!

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki3 years ago

I’m not sure why you feel that way, but I’m sorry that you do.

I wanted to come here to have discourse about the game. No one really seems to want to post much though. In any event I have still enjoyed what there was of it.

I’ve gone back and reread all my posts. To see where you were deriving your conclusion from.

I was complementary when people set new records. I fired up the game a handful of times just to feel like I was participating as new records were set, and posted comments here. I tried to give a little bit of advice when I felt I could.

I laid out the fact that tweaking the ATV performance stats doesn’t do anything. This way people could put racing at the front of their mind rather than feeling like adjusting those things will make a difference.

When I gave the tip about the end of the Arlington stream pro Enduro, metalz immediately set a record by using it. Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe he saw my post. And obviously you see my posts, enough to come to the conclusion that 70% of them are demeaning. So maybe you can see why I was confused when I watched your record and you weren’t doing that.

Words can be interpreted different ways when they are simply written on a screen. If you arrived at that conclusion from what you read, then I don’t doubt that’s how you genuinely feel. But just be aware that what you perceive from my text is not how I genuinely feel. That I care about the game and I’ve never meant to downplay anyone’s enthusiasm or involvement playing it. And trust me, I know what I’m saying is genuine because I am the one saying it... I can’t misinterpret my own feelings.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Do you people even watch each other’s runs? How is the new Arlington Stream pro enduro record player not emulating strategies from the previous record?

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Saw that there’s a new lap record for Arlington Stream Pro Enduro. This was always my favorite track, and one of the reasons I got into the game in the first place way back when it came out. I’ve probably played more laps here than anywhere else.

I was under 1:45 back then, now my HoF record is 1:43.12.

With Talon Black it’s 1:40.84 With B6000 it’s 1:37.50

It’s hard to give advice through text, but the most glaring thing everyone seems to do is before the finish line. Stay off of that rhythm section lol. Like, I thought this was pretty obvious considering there’s flat ground on either side and the rhythm part is not wide at all, but just ride along the train tracks up to the finish line. That alone should bring your time down like two seconds.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Did Saguaro with B6000 5:18.58 / 1:01.22

Did around 10 races here. This is a very technical track and the B6000’s speed just amplifies that technicality, to the point it’s kinda annoying. Not gonna lie I really don’t like driving it much.

A 1 min lap could be done and total time as low as 5 min but good luck on that. I had a 1:01.70 first lap one race, so if the other 4 were under 1 min a total time under 5 min could happen.

My Hall of Fame time here is 5:28.45 / 1:04.73 Wonder if I could bring that down.

Looking at the HoF my Palsades Basin is one I’m really proud of 11:09.93 / 2:11.24

I should try that with B6000 some time.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Did Whitesands with B6000 3:11.89 / 37.70 3:11.89 / 37.69 lmao what are the odds of that

Tried a few more times, nothing good. Lap down to 37.64 was it. Strange my first two runs were virtually identical then I couldn’t do anything.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

I decided to put in the game and try Rockbridge with the B6000 since it’s a favorite track of mine. First run went pretty good and I got a 6:01.11 and lap of 1:11.96. Gonna try to get below 6 min, definitely possible.

Attempt two: 5:56.21 / 1:11.40

Just had 5:56.41 / 1:10.26 and it was going great but crashed on final lap because stupid cpu I was lapping.

Spent a little time trying out different things in different parts since my first attempts were just racing how I normally would only slightly adjusted. But I feel like I can maybe do some things different because of how fast this ATV is but as of yet not too much luck putting things together.

But I did have a couple strange occurrences, both involving crashes oddly enough. One time I crashed pretty much right after crossing the finish line and starting the next lap, so right on that little wooden bridge thing before the actual rock bridge where the starting line is. But it spawned me on the other side of the rock bridge, before the turn and the first big jump. A similar thing happened another time going up the hill to the other rock bridge, the one that’s right before the turn into the high speed rhythm section. I crashed into the rock/sign slightly to the right and it spawned me all the way at the end of the rock bridge at the turn before the high speed rhythm section.

I’m pretty sure in both cases crashing actually saved me a little bit of time. What’s weird is that since I was trying all sorts of wacky things I crashed in both those spots multiple times, but only had it happen those ways one time each specifically. If anyone is isn’t aware, usually the way crashing works is actually different depending on if you’re playing Nationals/Supercross or Enduro. In the former two wherever your ATV finishes at the crash is where you will be spawned, where in the Enduro races you get spawned wherever you leave the ground from the jump. This actually makes a pretty big difference and makes crashing in Enduro mode much more harsh usually.

I think what happened here is that the game has issues sometimes restarting you on either of the rock bridges when you crash. If someone can figure out a way to make it consistently happen there might actually be time to be saved by purposely crashing lol.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Just caught up on all the new records from the last week or so. Great racing to all, but a special mention to the dude who raced in first person! That seems like it would be much harder, at least for me. I don’t like first person anything, and have never really played first person game at all.

One thing about the B6000 is that because it’s so fast and doesn’t have the best traction it can be damn hard to play well with it, so it’s really impressive seeing people complete entire races without crashing. Even some of the simpler races become much more difficult when using it, though on the other hand certain sections are easier or completely trivialized because of its speed. But I would still say as a whole it’s much harder to use overall.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

I’ve always kind of liked it since it’s a four stroke while most of the other bikes are two stroke. I remember I set some wicked lap times on Tioga Valley Pro Enduro (sub 3 min) with it a couple years ago that I struggled to meet with anything for a long while. Some ATVs are just better on some courses, which we kind of all know, it’s just sometimes it’s not as readily apparent and can even be somewhat surprising.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

I really don’t think the other two do anything either, while suspension would be hard to gauge, setting traction to each extreme would certainly be noticeable I think but yet I feel no difference.

Have you raced much with the CT?

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Anyway, Collins that spreadsheet is great, I’ve always wanted to see something like that but am just unable to, so thank you so much for sharing. Not too many surprises but really explains why the Duncan, Sparks, KK, and Lonestar always felt nearly identical.

For the record the Lonestar is my least favorite ATV in the game. Well I guess Alba is but I don’t even count that because of how bad it is with its terrible traction.

Did you just take down the times or do you have the videos still? It’s a lot of work but I’d love to know different range comparisons, like not just 0-50 but things in between. For example 20-30, 30-40, etc. Hell, times for every 5 mph increment would be awesome but that’s just obsessive I guess. On a side note though, I love how this game uses a digital speedometer. It makes seeing your speed easy and accurate, which is sometimes the only way to tell what approach is better for many sections.

Have you tried testing the acceleration vs top speed like I’d mentioned? I think knowing this doesn’t do anything goes a really long way in making things more streamlined and less stressful pre-race, you have no nagging thoughts of trying it “a different way” and can just focus on racing. This doesn’t effect some people in the slightest but for me it leads to constant second guessing and needlessly testing things, I hate to say that I’m almost glad it doesn’t do anything.

I totally understand you not taking my word on something like this, by the way, that’s why I think you should see for yourself firsthand.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Can you explain what you mean? Obviously I’m new here, what are these forums for/what was out of hand?

I came here specifically to talk about the game, going faster, better times, etc? Isn’t that the entire premise here?

I apologize, but I’m confused.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Did I do that somehow on accident or did something happen?

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

That’s why I call it the “effective top speed” because that’s what’s mostly relevant, it takes too long to gain more relative to what any track in the game allows. But the actual top speeds are indeed what I listed.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

To see those top speeds just go to free ride and find somewhere where it’s completely flat, no incline/decline and no bumps. You’ll see that the ATVs will all speed up steadily to hit their effective top speed and then it will basically stop and only slowly increment to the top speeds I listed.

Which just reminded me, that’s all the evidence right there that tuning doesn’t do anything, or else the top speed would change wouldn’t it? I mean I’m not trying to suggest this as a theory, I know for a fact that it doesn’t do anything when you tune the acceleration and top speed, and I’m at least 90% certain it doesn’t do anything for the other categories either.

I’m going to check your link a little later, but just pick any ATV and do what you did for the spreadsheet. Do it once with tuning set all the way to acceleration and record it, then do it again with tuning set all the way to max speed, then play the two back side by side.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

I’d be interested in seeing that spreadsheet. I’ve done mostly the same thing, but it’s hard to get accurate results just observing. Also pretty much everything (of the racing ATVs) has the same top speed (68), except Nacs is one higher(69) and the Alba is two lower(66).

But what’s more important is what I call the “effective top speed“ which is what you are going to reach on certain stretches on most of the races. The actual top speed requires down hill, or unreasonable stretches that just don’t exist except on a few spots.

Tuning definitely does a lot in the first game. So much that it makes it kind of hard to tell what the best set up is. But I remember when I first played this game my cousin and I took the same ATV and one of us tuned all the way to acceleration and the other put it all the way to top speed, and we lined up side-by-side, paused the game and each held down the acceleration button and were literally right next to each other the whole. So unless it disables the feature for multiplayer, which wouldn’t make sense, I know for a fact at least the acceleration and top speed do not work.

I don’t think they did it on purpose, it’s just a function of the game that was poorly programmed it looks like. But I have also tested at least a little bit playing single player and I’m convinced none of them do anything. I mean hell, the stats as a whole for the ATVs (Engine, Traction, Suspension) don’t even seem to line up in a way that means anything, except when they’re egregious like Alba’s traction.

Edit: The tuning could be glitched for only particular ATVs, so maybe that’s why I didn’t do anything when I messed with it. I just leave everything neutral since then, so it’s possible it works but just not in my instance.

As for your spreadsheet, I definitely would love to see that. I think a 0-60 Time would be a better gauge though than 0-50. Going back to the effective top speed I mentioned, some don’t even get to 60 but they would seem good on a 0-50 scale. Sparks is good example. Best grip and good power but just isn’t fast enough. Shame because it feels great to drive.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Watched your recent run just now Collins, good stuff man!

Metalz your last post got me thinking of stuff I want to say but I’ll wait, need to think first so I can get it all out the right way. It’ll probably be a long story-ish post.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

“Before you commented this I actually brought up the idea of setting up a separate tab for times set without the ORT or B6000. Not sure if we will do it or not but it's definitely an idea.”

You should. I mean think about if you have a Championship run and do a track really well either on total time or lap time it would be nice to have that somewhere. For example, if you did ridiculously good on Rockbridge but then wrecked 4 times on Freeport the run would be lost, but what you did accomplished on Rockbridge should be saved and tracked, learned from, etc, it shouldn’t just be discarded because the run as a whole was poor.

Re: switching Honestly I wouldn’t bother switching just because at best you’re going to save a couple of seconds, but with the garbage load times it would be a hard pass for me. What’s more important than anything is consistency if you’re trying to do a whole championship from start to finish with no restarts or whatever. Until that’s locked down switching bikes to save a couple seconds seems kind of silly.

As for the tuning thing, I thought it was pretty obvious even back when I first played the game that it didn’t do anything. But yeah... that doesn’t do anything lol. I guess the placebo effect is strong with that one lmao. Like I said, I thought it was pretty obvious, but you can see for yourself if you tweak everything to one extreme then go to a track for a couple races and then tweak everything to the other extreme and see if there’s a difference. There isn’t.

Btw I live in NY, I play the NA version.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

Oh, do you guys do any freestyle stuff? I’m not particularly fond of it, but I am proud of my single jump record, which is 8 combo 84,000ish points. Not done on freestyle mode though, during just a race.

New York, USAGoukiAkujiki4 years ago

I don’t even know what discord is guys lol.

And this is the only game even remotely like this that I play. I’ve played the first one to completion but after playing this one so much I don’t enjoy it anymore. I tried playing the third game once and I hated it. It’s just completely different. I own the fourth game as well but I’ve never even put it in. I tend to play mostly action games and a little bit of RPGs (but not much).

There are a few racing games I’ve played over the years that I like, this being one of them, but it’s not my thing really. Actually, the only reason I even bought it back when it first came out is because I saw my brother playing it and was making fun of him for playing a game like this instead of something like devil may cry or Final Fantasy, but then I saw it had an ATV in it that I had always wanted when I was younger so I started playing the game lmao. I actually grew up riding these things, but never anything close to a racing machine.

The reason I had to buy my own copy was because the one he had was actually a bunk copy. It played all glitchy and we always thought that the game was just really shitty and it was supposed to be like that. It would play really choppy, freeze, all sorts of stupid stuff. Then one time it froze well it was auto saving. Do you know how it says don’t touch memory cards, etc. while saving? Yeah you kind of don’t have a choice when it freezes on that screen, and of course turning the system off corrupted the data on the memory card. But you know what, I was enjoying the game still. So I went out sometime later and bought a greatest hits copy of the game and it was literally a world of difference. Like you can’t even imagine how poorly the glitch copy ran and how much I really enjoyed playing the game how it was supposed to be. Then randomly a few years ago I put it in and pretty much played it all summer, for the first time in 15 years since originally buying it. Most of my times were set then, and even now I have no idea how I played so well back then. I think playing on a CRT TV might have helped.


Really kind of bummed about the 5 laps Enduro thing, since I only play default settings so the game saves any high scores or times. Can’t compare anything besides lap times. Would you consider doing something like a Hall of Fame leaderboard, basically grinding out individual tracks but without the super ATVs?

Is the Nac’s pretty much considered the best all around bike? It seems that’s what everyone uses. Does anyone ever use anything else for anything? My best lap time Prospect Springs amateur nationals is actually with the Trenga. Speaking of which, you are correct that the time there on the leaderboard is pretty insane. I think I took about a second longer trying to do it with the B6000 a few years ago, which is a huge difference on such a short track.

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