AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

I joined fe2 in 2019, it was only since 2022 I started to main speedrun fe2. I believe that I will have some great opinions to bring with me. Whenever I am given a role I try to be active with it? With is what I will try do with this role (if I’m given it). I also just have Alot of free time and need something to do nowadays. I will try and contribute to mod conversations and I’m very active on discord. The only problem is that I don’t know how the system works, other than that I think I will be a great moderator and an amazing help to the fe2 team.

Also since I’m in Australia I’m litteraly 1 day and 14 hours behind you guys, so it’s another great reason why I should join your team!

If you decide to choose me for your mod team then Galaxxy#3517 is my discord user (:

gamersogood2 likes this
AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

@8y8x stop using the wrong pronouns for me

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

also bc no one has 3 freinds who play fe2 😭

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

8y8x you will be muted for this behaviour, this is not something to joke about and we take this site very seriously. You have one more chance.

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

yes, as a moderator I can confirm this Is correct. If there is anything else you want to know feel free to ask again.

Many thanks, Nolyswag.

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

hey! im not a mod but bassicly you grab the link to the video and then you go to fe2 speedrun page and then you click the level of the run you did. after that click the submit run button next to rues. when you have done that a page should come up and you fill that

it sounds like a lot but its not lol

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

fr guys gamersogood should be mod I think they would do an amazing job and verify more runs, please consider this it would help the speedrunning community for fe2 alot

gamersogood2 likes this
AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

the longer u leave this the longer the wait will be

AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

@Vluward exactly, its unfair now that we can't get decently good times because of backjumping being removed.

About Galaxxypro12345
1 year ago
9 days ago
Games run
ROBLOX: Flood Escape 2
ROBLOX: Flood Escape 2
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
ROBLOX: Flood Escape 2
ROBLOX: Flood Escape 2
Last visit 9 days ago