Michigan, USAEscade4 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm going to be doing speedruns again! Yay! As I tried to get back into speedrunning, I noticed that you can no longer skip hydra, the bear and the bandits while traveling from Oaklore to Falconreach. This basically means that all old runs are enshrined never to be beaten again. I made some changes to the leaderboards seeing as how the No Book categories are obsolete now. I also added new pre and post build 15 categories. If you have any questions, please let me know. I also made a Discord! Yay!

Michigan, USAEscade5 years ago

So I noticed going back into the game, that they have a new UI for the book we use in the run. The new UI changes things like how far you move the cursor to click and heal, which isn't a terribly big deal. But the biggest deal is that you can no longer teleport straight to Falconreach right after beating the first quest in Oaklore. This mainly effects the Dragon Egg categories, but it also effects all categories as well. This makes runs longer by now having to go through the woods, fight the bear and fight the hydra. Does the community have any ideas of how we would like to handle this? Archive old runs? Keep the old runs and create new categories? The options are open.

Michigan, USAEscade6 years ago

Do we know what's in every chest? Or have it mapped out somewhere? My friend wants to run this game, but he wants to know what chests to grab and what other chests not to grab.

Delekates likes this
Michigan, USAEscade6 years ago

TFS found an amazing way to beat the dragon egg saga using something that looks like a book 3 skip. This is really cool and hats off to you TFS. This skip shortens the normal run from roughly 17-18 minutes to 1-2 minutes. This also makes the run have only one battle, the tutorial battle. Because the run is so different from the normal runs we have so far, I have made a separate category that allows for the Book 3 skip, I also don't have any subcategories such as solo because there's only one fight to begin with and you can't change anything about it. I would like to hear some feedback about this decision, whether you guys love or hate it. Thanks!

TFS likes this
Michigan, USAEscade6 years ago

Thanks for making me a moderator of this game. I added some cool ideas and new things. I changed the theme, if you guys don't like it we can always get rid of the picture and use the classic red. I also added a few new subcategories, I feel that these add new runs to learn that have different strategies for each one. I am going to look into the orb quest to see how to start and end that and to see what we would need to do for that one. I moved Shiney's run over into the No Book category because you didn't use it, and I also left one in the normal category because all of your runs fit under both categories. I changed the name of the run from Memberless% to Dragon Egg Saga-No DA. Now a days it isn't a membership anymore, you don't have to pay monthly. It's just a one time buy of the dragon amulet, I thought it was a more fitting title.

Michigan, USAEscade6 years ago

Can we make a speedrun in which you have to collect the orbs in some way. Maybe we could also add factors to the runs like solo, in which you can't have guests.

Michigan, USAEscade6 years ago

I just wanted to know how you had a sword in your inventory when you created a new character ShineySandslash.

About Escade
6 years ago
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Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
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World of Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy
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Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
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Kingdom Rush: Origins
Kingdom Rush: Origins
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