UkraineEntity_31310 months ago

Hello. After many updates, a lot of things have been added and everything needs to be changed. firstly, add a category game with bots for both survivors and maniacs since they were added another 1 month ago, we still need to solve the issue of training since after the update of the latter it was reworked due to which the results will be different, well, add categories with co-op for survivors both against real players and against bots. If you don’t have time for this (after the last notification in the form, I only understood this) to do everything, I can do all the work for you.

UkraineEntity_3131 year ago


I was just interested in the speedrun of this game in the tutorial category, but either after today’s update or before that, I played tutorials today and noticed that the tutorials for survivors and maniacs were partially or radically changed. (you can check it yourself in the game)

In that case, what will we do?

Here you can either do races according to the versions of the game, but I think that there is no way to run the old version of the game, or cancel all the tutorial races that were there before.

UkraineEntity_3131 year ago


I am a moderator of the game "Incredible jack" (mobile port of Jumpin jack in 2014). Here is a link to the game in speedrun com:

I was just thinking about making a request for this game, but I see that there is a game in speedrun com and that’s good. Can I chat with you personally on discord and discuss some things? This applies to the merger of the PC discord server and the mobile version of the game if there is still a server, and also about the Russian version of the game called "Edgar's Incredible Adventures" And so that you have no doubts, I have known Jumpin jack under a slightly different name since childhood and I know that it’s like that and I recently played the game again.

UkraineEntity_3131 year ago

(EN): Update: Even before the freeze, categories for the full run of the game and certain chapters were added.

Under chapter categories there are Any%, all diamond% and 100% (96% for the free version) You can speedrun the game in free and paid versions;

After freezing, the categories of 128 levels and the categories Any%, all diamond% and gold medal% were added (pass the level for a gold medal and you can say it as 100%)

But I want to warn you that at some levels you cannot get to all diamond% and gold medal% with the very first level, so some places will be empty;

Another thing I added in the manual is the installation file for the full game on 3.6.5 since I almost didn’t find the latest version of the game anywhere, only there was 3.6.3 and a free version.

So, if you want to speed up the game or levels, you can install the latest version of the game from my guide.

By almost all categories, I meant a complete run of the game or chapters at 100% because when checking my runs on levels for the result, I realized that it is almost impossible to understand whether the run for the gold medal was completed, which is impossible if you immediately skip the entire result while the game is running will the level show whether you passed the level for a gold medal or not and for this reason I will soon make a guide where there will be screenshots of how much you need to use the maximum portals at different levels and collect diamonds to get a gold medal and with the help of this guide (you can still do without it, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT that except for some levels you DO NOT have a gold medal and you need to show this to me before the race and if after a full run of the game or chapter the player shows all the chapters or chapter that there will be all gold medals, and before that were silver or bronze then I accept the race)

(RU): Обновление: Ещё с заморозки были добавлены категории полного забега игры и определенных глав.

Под категории глав есть Any%, all diamond% и 100% (96% для безплатной версии)

Спидранить игру можно в безплатной так и платной версии;

После заморозки были добавлены категории 128 уровней и категории Any%, all diamond% и gold medal% (пройти уровень на золотую медаль и можно сказать это как 100%)

Но хочу предупредить на некотрых уровнях как с самым первый уровнем нельзя пройти на all diamond% и gold medal% так что некоторые места будут пустовать;

Ещё, что я добавил в руководстве это файл установки полной игры на 3.6.5 так как я почти, что нигде не нашёл последнюю версию игры только были на 3.6.3 и безплатную версию.

Так, что если у вас есть желание заспидранить игру или уровни можете установить последнюю версию игры из моего руководства.

Под словом почти все категории я имел виду полный забег игры или глав на 100% так как при проверке моих забега на уровни на результат я понял, что понять ли прошел ли забег на золотую медаль почти, что не возможно если сразу пропустить весь результат пока игра покажет ли прошел уровень на золотой медаль или нет и по этому скоро я зделаю руководство, где будут скриншоты с тем сколько нужно использовать порталы максимум на разных уровнях и собрать алмазы, чтобы получить золотую медаль и с помощью руководства (ещё можно з него обойтись, НО ВАЖНО, чтобы к вас кроме некотрых уровней НЕбыло золотого медаля и нужно до забега это показать мне и если после полного забега игры или главы игрок покажет все главы или главу, что будут все золотые медали, а до этого были серебро или бронза тогда забег я принимаю)

UkraineEntity_3131 year ago

After a lot of trying and studying Hell 6 I found a skip (I named this skip: Springs Skip) on the last spring of this level (or 2 spring important spring short very important for the race result). Video itself: In this video, Jak (Edgar) leans on the top of the spring and after that he doesn’t slide to the barrel, but immediately flies up to his wife and slides to the end of the level, which is -2± second, which greatly gives a win result. If in this level you are lucky with 1 spring and do everything correctly on the other, then the result should be 28-29 seconds for sure. The skip can still pass with the lower position of the spring, but this is already random and it is very difficult to repeat it in the way that was originally intended.

UkraineEntity_3131 year ago

After I read the rules, I noticed that it is forbidden to use "Single Use", that at some points I don’t understand why it will be very easy to run races with them, only to prohibit races with hacks where there are a lot of accessories for all this. But passing without them is also necessary as an option for running and supporting the canon of the PC version where all this is not there, so I think it's better to add Any% and Single Use% under the categories (or allow Single Use in Any%, but add under the "No Single Use%" where it is forbidden to use it, and move old results to this subcategory)

UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

Maybe a stupid question, but I couldn't find any rules for this. So, in the run of levels at 100%, you just need to pass on A+ and you need to collect tokens for the store that can be collected after the first passage? Or these tokens (or currency) do not affect the passage of levels on A+?

UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

Hello, while studying the categories for this game in order to do something running in this game, I noticed that there are no LUMINITE and BEHEMOTH in additional categories, which is very strange. So I think it's not a problem to add them knowing the mechanics of adding categories to speedrun com. And I could make races for the BEHEMOTH if I understand what's going on.

UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

I wanted to add all levels of the stage: angkor wat, bavaria, tibet, and levels of all secret stages. The goal is to complete the level as quickly as possible while adding another category of different versions and 100% where you need to complete everything in the level. At the same time, after beating the game, you can pass the levels for speed.

Vipz likes this
UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

I wanted to add a 100% goal to complete all levels while completing everything that is in the level in order for the race to count.

Vipz likes this
UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

While studying the TMNT 2007 game, I noticed that the game was released on many platforms, but at the same time, TMNT 2007 Nintendo DS and PSP are not in the list of games in the speedrun who, because in these platforms the plot and the game itself are different than with the GBA, and other platforms. So, I would like these games to be added to the games list category. Video demonstration comparing all TMNT 2007 games on all platforms: The video shows all platforms except Xbox 360 and compares menus, graphics, parkour mechanics, combat mechanics and more.

UkraineEntity_3132 years ago

Wish they could add Any% Glitcheless in the full run and levels category. Since when viewing the world race there were used bugs with where the textures flew and in some places the battles were skipped. I also wanted it to be forbidden to use skips with overflying textures (and everything connected with this), and skips of battles where this is also used are also forbidden, but those that were like in level 6 (and others, if any) with a flaw with a zone (in one that there was no such high zone where the battle begins and in one where there was no zone in which the battle begins on the left, leaning against the wall) the script where the battle begins can be used. All the rest and those that are not visible due to the camera position and have not been used flying textures can be used.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

So I submitted a request 4 days ago for Sonic Forces: Speed ​​battle and then I received a notification: Your game request of Sonic Forces: Speed Battle has been rejected. Reason: Please contact the Sonic series moderators about this request, as they can add it manually. And 2 times 2 days ago already in the game series itself and the result is the same, while it’s not like in Sonic Dash where there is no end, but Sonic Forces Speed ​​Battle has an end but only in terms of levels, in order to create the maximum result you need the skill is very professional and when applying, I threw off all the data and my plans for the game and wrote that I would create categories for levels (and more) and in the video that I threw off it was clear that there was an end. I also made it clear for this, but now give an exact explanation of what to do next or you need to talk about this with the moderation of the series.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

[En] It was removed under the categories NG + in any% and in Any Glitcheless (you can find out the reason in the discord server on Speedrun Community Magic Rampage) But the welcome added a full-fledged category any% New Game + and Any% Glitcheless New Game +. And in those categories has been added under the category: All skip dungeon Not skip dungeon Soon I will add rules for these subcategories and the first information can be found in Magic Rampage speedrun Community And so I will soon create one race in these categories, and you will also be disclosed in the video itself.

[Ru] Было удалено под категории NG+ в any% и в Any Glitcheless (причину можете узнать в дискорд сервере по Speedrun Community Magic Rampage) Но приетом быда добавленна полноценная категория any% New Game+ и Any% Glitcheless New Game+. И в тех категорий была добавлена под категория: All skip Dungeon Not skip Dungeon Скоро я добавлю правила для этих под категорий и первую информацию можете узнать в Magic Rampage speedrun Community А так я скоро зделаю забег по этим категориям тож будет вам обеснения в самом видео.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

Hello everyone, finally Magic portals is in now you can speedrun this game but I need time to finish everything to perfection and check some points to decide which rules are correct.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

-News I have added many new levels to the Level Leaderboard 1-43 levels + bonus levels now everyone can speedrun it will be glad because it was long and difficult to create, just please tell me how many fps are on the video and describe correctly the speedrun for this category and for this or that platform and say which version of the game it is. Thank you for the attention. -Новости я в Level Leaderboard добавил много новых уровней 1-43 уровни + бонусные уровни сейчас все могут спидранить это буду рад так как это было долго и сложно создавать только пожалуйста говорите сколько фпс на видео и чательно правильно описать спидран што это для этой категории и для той или оной платформы и говорить какая это версия игры. Спасибо за внимание.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

[En] I want to say one trick in the game that the speed of voice acting in the game is different and the most inhibitory language is Ukrainian and Russian, average English and others, and the fastest is Turkish much faster by 1 second than English. all this is useful for 1, 6, 13, 30, 32, 36, 38 and 40 dungeon. [Ru] Хочу сказать одну фишку в игре что у скорость озвучки в игре разная и самый тормозной язык это Украинский и Русcкий средний Англиский и другие и самый быстрый это турецкий намного быстрее на 1 секунду чем Англиский. пригодиться всьо это на 1, 6, 13, 30, 32, 36, 38 и 40 уровне

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

Hello everyone, as a moderator, I have to say something new than speedrun for a second. After my speedrun I found a weapon with a speed of 29% on version 5.4.1 beta it is Dagger of Sand but now 5.4.2 beta there is a speed of 27% and 2 weapons with such speed are Withdraw Gayan.

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

Can you congratulate us for finally INTO Magic Rampage thawed in 3 years! 🎆🎇🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎇🎆

UkraineEntity_3133 years ago

But I want to say that it is better to change the setting of a new record, since that in 2018 is an old example of my speedrun 3 boss on Google Play Games (Link to the video: ) because at the end when I pass the level I can see the game timer itself ends at the end and not at the moment when the screen itself turns black and writes the end of the level and evidence of other videos on my channel in speedrun 1 and in boss 2 where he also set a world record there. But I want to write this shtob, you came to life from the grave of inactive and listened to my words and thanks for your attention)))

About Entity_313
3 years ago
Games run
Magic Rampage
Magic Rampage
Last run 1 year ago
Incredible Jack
Incredible Jack
Last run 7 months ago
Magic Portals
Magic Portals
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 1 month ago
Subway Surfers
Subway Surfers
Last run 3 years ago
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Last run 7 months ago
Schoolboy Runaway (Mobile)
Schoolboy Runaway (Mobile)
Last run 8 months ago
Geometry Dash Meltdown
Geometry Dash Meltdown
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders
Last visit 1 month ago
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
Last visit 3 months ago
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Last visit 3 days ago
Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight
Last visit 1 month ago
Last visit 5 days ago
Magic Rampage
Magic Rampage
Last visit 1 day ago
Magic Portals
Magic Portals
Last visit 24 days ago
Incredible Jack
Incredible Jack
Last visit 24 days ago
Games moderated
Magic Rampage
Magic Rampage
Last action 3 days ago
Incredible Jack
Incredible Jack
Last action 3 months ago
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Dead By Daylight Mobile
Last action 2 months ago
Last action 1 month ago
Magic Portals
Magic Portals
Last action 1 year ago