Michigan, USAEightbitSteve4 years ago

My name is Steve and I have a new book series that is being published by Hagen's Alley ( The book series focuses on creating the easiest ways to complete hard video games and is aptly named "The Easy Way" it doesn't involve any speedrun stuff for the most part but that leads me to my next point. I have been researching this game for close to a year and I believed I had all the information available for the game or at least all the information I deemed relevant to my book. Unfortunately for me that is no longer the case and I am faced with a very strange dilema. This will be a bit long but I think it will provide some needed context by telling the whole story.

My book is already funded and I was doing final edits on it yesterday. While I was playing on emulator I noticed an interesting quirk with Jason where he will sometimes respawn on the screen without it scrolling. You can see this in PGH's run on day 3 and In the TAS but those both happened in the woods and this happened on the path. I will link a video below for everyone to check out. Since I am friendly with PGH because he was on my podcast before I decided to send him the videos and we got on discord to discuss. This is where things got worse for me. I realized after talking with him that I had never fully analyzed his run. I had watched it many times before but I never sat down and actually mapped out what he was doing. As we talked more I began to realize that his run disproves a lot of documented and known information about Jason’s spawn points, pathing, and the alternating path A to Path b scenario proposed by Valentlink. The more I dug into it the more confusing it became and more established data was seemingly now false.

I do not want to release my book with knowingly false information even though the information does not affect the teaching method inside the book it still makes a difference to me. I would like to collaborate with anyone and everyone to figure this stuff out. Valientlink, dvstinjames, PGHguitarguy, or anyone else that wants to be involved please speak up. I want to be clear that I am asking for a completely open dialogue and collaboration between all parties. This means sharing documents, spread sheets or any other bits of information that we may be holding onto. I do have some information that will likely allow for runners to take the record a lot closer to the TAS time and with some luck and teamwork we may even be able to take it lower than that. I have already started work on this and created my own sheets mapping seeds and experimenting with Jason’s behavior. Anyone that contributes and collaborates in some tangible way will be credited in the book. If anyone knows how to contact KLMZ (The Tas Creator) please let me know so I can get him involved. The best contact method for me is actually FB but you can message me on SRC or join my discord.

Discord: Jason No Scroll, No Chase 2x:

You can find out more about me at

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve4 years ago

I could have sworn there was a fastest to 100pts co-op category before. Were the categories changed recently on this board?

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve4 years ago

I would like to request that a PS4 board be created. There are some significant differences between the PC version and the PS4 version which I will briefly highlight below.

  1. Patches: For PC it is possible to play the game on a previous patch. This allows for glitches that simply cannot be performed on PS4 version. The largest of these glitches are the damage that the Elite bat and other melee weapons do to bosses. Honestly this should be reason enough to have a separate board because comparing them is pointless.

  2. The parachute trick can not be performed in the same way that it can be on the PC version. The PS4 makes you hold the parachute button down for about a second before deploying it and is placed on one of the analogue sticks used for movement. This cannot be remapped on the PS4. On PC it is simply a button press with no 1 second delay. This may not seem like much but it means that a really key trick in the game where you access the roof stash simply cannot be completed as early. This is also relevant in a few other places throughout the game.

These two reasons make comparing PS4 runs to PC runs laughable. It is simply not competitively possible to compete against PC runs using the PS4 and therefore in my opinion the PS4 should have its own categories on this board.

I would assume the XBOXOne would also need its own boards but I have not played the game on that platform and cannot comment on the differences. I would assume the patching thing I mentioned earlier would be very relevant though.

ChiefSupreme likes this
Michigan, USAEightbitSteve5 years ago

I am not upset at all about my rejected run. It is a bit of a bummer that the rules were updated after my run was approved for so long but at least I am helping institute change.

As far as timing goes I have had this problem on a few other boards and I just have some general questions about how you time the runs. It doesn't really matter that much as long as all the runs are timed the same but when comparing my own runs to runs on this board things are a bit weird.

I use Avidemux to auto calculate length because I can easily set a start and end frame and it just spits out the time for me. I think the confusion comes when people are using a different software or using fuzzy math to determine the time based on the frame rate and number of frames.

Assuming the start frame is when you press A on the end command and the end frame is the first frame of the bob sled score screen (which is what the rules say) then my software tells me Toads run is a 3:32.067 which is light years away from the 3:19 that is it is listed at on this board. The run I am about to upload to replace my rejected run clocks in at 3:24.650.

My question is should I submit my run assuming that there is a 13 second difference in our timing methods like in Toad's run or should I just submit it at 3:24.650 and let you sort it out.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve5 years ago

Can we please get a 4 Player category for this game? We will upload a run as soon as its live.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve5 years ago

I have had a pending co-op run for over a month now. I am just curious if this even been looked at or if I need to escalate because the moderators are no longer active.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve5 years ago

I submitted a Co-op run about a month ago and it still hasen't been approved. There have been two other runs approved during that time including a Co-op run. Can a moderator please tell me why this run hasen't been approved?

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve5 years ago

I was browsing this game for short WR's. Whenever I do a record that uses milliseconds I always time the record using a frame counting software. In this case I used Avidemux which is from what I understand the most widely accepted method for timing runs. On Teagan's run the clock at the bottom and the split clock are out of sync. At the start of the video the bottom clock starts on the correct frame at 0 and the splits start about 34 milliseconds later.

At the end frame the splits say 2:19.74 and the timer at the bottom says 2:20.10. The clock at the bottom and the splits are still not synced up and are now .36 apart.

When I have the software count the frames instead of using the timers it says the segment is 2:20.307 and not 2:20.018 like the record indicates. It would seem to me that since the timers are both wrong and seem to get further out of sync as the video progresses that frame counting is the only accurate method of verifying this time.

EDIT / UPDATE: I just timed the second place run that is timed at 2:20.18 using two different frame counting methods. Avidemux and and the time was 02:19.83 using both methods.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve6 years ago

Does the Any Clear category include co-op runs? If not can we please add a co-op category?

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve6 years ago

Just wanted to say congrats on your beginner world record. Your dedication, effort, and passion really show on stream for this game. I am happy to give up a world record to you and I knew it was coming one day. Keep on going my friend.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve7 years ago

Congrats on becoming a moderator. Now we can finally get moving on some things long overdue. I would guess your first order of business is to ban that trash run. Second I hope is adding a 2 Player category. I will upload the run shortly after that.

Michigan, USAEightbitSteve7 years ago

This is my last attempt to get an Admin to respond to me about creating a CoOp category. If I have not heard back by tomorrow this time I will set in motion with SR.COM to have myself added as an admin.

InTheMug, MysticManiac and 3 others like this
Michigan, USAEightbitSteve7 years ago

First thanks Jesse for being an awesome moderator.I have been working on several runs for this game including a coop run.

  1. I would like a coop category. I am not sure if you want to add a category for each combination or not.

  2. I would personally like the category for the PC version to be separate. Being able to use a proper controller instead of a genesis one is a huge advantage.

These are just my thoughts and I am open to discussing them.

NoControl likes this
Michigan, USAEightbitSteve7 years ago

Can the moderator please add a Coop category for this game?

About EightbitSteve
7 years ago
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Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Last run 4 years ago
California Games (NES)
California Games (NES)
Last run 3 years ago
Far Cry New Dawn
Far Cry New Dawn
Last run 2 years ago
Double Dragon Neon
Double Dragon Neon
Last run 4 years ago
Kung-Fu Heroes
Kung-Fu Heroes
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
Carrier Air Wing
Carrier Air Wing
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Golden Axe
Golden Axe
Last visit 7 days ago
Kung-Fu Heroes
Kung-Fu Heroes
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Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
Golden Axe (SMS)
Golden Axe (SMS)
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Last visit 2 years ago
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California Games (NES)
California Games (NES)
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Double Dragon Neon
Double Dragon Neon
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