United StatesDryspell_2 years ago

Loader bad

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United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

i understand exactly how much time it saves. It takes around 2 sec to reset with console, and around 11 sec to reset without it. Ones strategy on whether or not they take a start is irrelevant, its not like i sat there and reset 50 times trying to get the perfect start, and if you do that i doubt you'll beat me.

United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

i only reset 10 times and each reset saves ~9 seconds or so, around 1:30s saved by using the script (the script isn't necessary anyway). There is nothing strategic about resetting, you are essentially flipping a coin to see whether or not you can continue your run.

United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

Again if the game was just made to allow keybinds via console or was given a proper quick reset then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Also the can of worms was already opened by allowing console in any% (while it may not necessarily save time, console IS open for part of the run). I understand your concern but the menuing is not specifically difficult or strategically intuitive and is at the very least a nuisance and a completely avoidable one at that. Not to mention there is also still menuing that happens after every character.

United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

I realize now that its just as fast to use ctrl + v or the up and down arrows in console to reset than the script. The script isn't even necessary and i will refrain from using it in future runs but i will still be resetting through console.

United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

Console use is common in many other speedruns: DOOM, any Valve game, etc. However usually in those games you are able to bind the command to a key so it does not rely on ahk. The use of cheat commands through console are banned universally (see src basic rules) unless otherwise specifically permitted which obviously they wouldn't be. I do not consider pressing escape and clicking a button to be a matter of "skill" and the script may actually level the playing field for people with slower machines as the menus may actually take longer to load and thus unfairly add more time.

The belief that someone could make a viable ahk script for other purposes is just conspiracy honestly and also nearly undetectable at any rate. To ban the use of console again seems ridiculous when we do things like edit game files, allow use of console in other categories, etc.

United StatesDryspell_3 years ago

All the script does is give a quick reset which is common in good rouge likes, maybe one day it will be implemented in vanilla but that would force you to newest patch. If the game allowed you to bind keys this wouldn't be an issue but sadly for whatever reason you can't in vanilla console. If using the script is banned then we'll just have to enter it manually which seems arbitrary and non-skill oriented, to ban the use of console would be pretty ridiculous imo.

About Dryspell_
3 years ago
4 days ago
Games run
Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2
Last run 1 year ago
Risk of Rain 2 Category Extensions
Back 4 Blood
Back 4 Blood
Last run 2 years ago