North Carolina, USAChamploo2 years ago

It has come to my attention that some races which don't have any skips are having times submitted for both any% and no skips. As such, I propose a new ruling (which, without objections, will go into effect on the 16th) -

If a race does not have skips, only submit times for the main category (any%)

I'll make this a requirement for all races unless there are objections in 2 weeks (the 16th). Current runs would be edited to be in the any% category if they don't follow the rule.

We can also go in the opposite direction - preferring to submit for the no skips category, but this implies to the unknowing viewer that skips may exist for the level, when in reality there are no accepted submissions.


  • There's currently an any% race category with a slower time than a no skips category, which I think is silly.
  • Some runs don't have skips we know of, and we have submissions for both. This is redundant. doesn't offer granular enough control for me to disable these categories, but I am capable of effectively removing these categories by not approving future runs and modifying existing ones.
  • The spirit of my opinion: If your run is effectively the same category, it should be in the same category.
  • If new skips are discovered then we can talk about them at that point and move the runs over that don't utilize the skips.

Lastly, assuming we go in this direction, I'll include a list of the races which you shouldn't be submitting no skips runs for in the races, and post it for a brief time here before ratifying it in the rules entry for the races.

North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

As a base principle any skips that take you off-track are considered to be major skips.

For what remains, please discuss what you think constitutes a major skip in this thread.

North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

I've added a category to a board but want to use a different timing method than the primary board, specifically IGT with MS. The only way of accomplishing this that I know of is to add it to all the categories which is what I don't want. How do?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

There have been enough people asking for this for it to get added so here it is.

IL Racing Rules: -Any vehicle is fine -Use IGT, be sure your time is visible

  • Because we will use IGT you can technically tie/share a position

Q: Why any vehicle? What about original edition? A: The game goes on sale for very cheap (at time of posting I believe DE is about 2$). Most people are running or are able to run DE. I dislike fragmenting boards and adding checkboxes that obfuscate the merit of one run against another, so unless there is significant demand these will be the rules going forward.

Q: Why does all races include what were DLC races? A: See above; tldr - everyone is running DE

If you disagree with these rules and wish them changed please reply with your reasoning (but you better be submitting runs...)

siyfics. likes this
North Carolina, USAChamploo5 years ago

I found a potential Genosha skip. The issue is you get put in the same stuck state you would if you failed the other OOB skip on the level. If it's possible to clip above the level far enough without getting stuck in the ceiling the skip would be doable or if we can escape the stuck state.

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Magikilo has brought to my attention that the DE may have version differences that could result in what I consider significant time advantages. We may be rewording the rules but currently no changes will occur to the current any% category no matter what you run on. We have disagreed on this rewrite however and I will attempt to explain both sides:

Minimal Base Game Argument: DLC Content should not be allowed. This rule should be applied the same to all versions of the game. What I have brought up is the idea of the base game and how we consider something DLC. I believe there can be only one "base game". To me the base game is the original game, the non DE version. Some of what was DLC is packed into the DE and cannot be removed from the game like it can the original version. While it will not universally affect gameplay I believe the rules should regulate its effect on gameplay the same as they do for the original version. What I mean by this is that the DE shouldn't be allowed to have what was DLC content in the base game utilized in the run. We should disallow DLC "content", not just DLC, specifically because if we don't then we are applying the rules differently to the two versions by arbitrarily defining the base game as the minimal version of what you can obtain instead of the actual minimal version of the game.

Multiple Base Game Argument: DLC Content should be treated as add-ons specifically on a game-by-game basis. If it's provided in the version you're playing on then it's allowed. This allows you to use the class A car from the high roller pack and whatever else is packed in the DE (I don't know what is).

So we have two versions of the game and the effect of the rules, in my point of view, allow the DLC in one version but not the other because I believe there is one base game. From a different point of view because it is included in one version as the "base game" it should be allowed.

While our community is small I ask that if you understand the game well enough to speak of it that you share your opinion on this so that in the future we can have good rules to run by.

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I run Deadpool on PC. It has a weird quirk where you can only skip certain cutscenes using a controller. You can use a variety of controllers from what I've gathered, I use a PS2 controller with an adapter and for me I hit the R1 button to skip cutscenes, which will also throw a grenade if I press it outside of then.

However, I play with a mouse+kb.

So what I normally do is lay the controller on my left thigh and move my hand down to it to skip cutscenes and frantically move back to wasd to start moving. This is ghetto and annoying. Can someone help me figure out how to use some kind of software to map a skip cutscene key?

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Here is a glitch that I think should be put into its own category. I don't have a way of replicating the glitch at this time, but I think it would be a game breaking change to the current categories. If a way is discovered to replicate it then a ng+IS and a ng-IS category should be created (IS for infinite shot)

tl;dr potentially replicable glitch would remove most skill from FPS/TPS portions of the game in ng and ng+ so it should be a different category.

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I have a bug where I get a doubleshot no matter what input I bind to shoot. Does anyone know how to fix it? I can't seem to find any answers on how to fix the issue. Am using the latest original steam version on win7 can provide more technical details if needed.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Will be posting more optimizations when I am certain on consistency. This pathing is slightly faster but could save more time if you found a faster way of scaling to the higher pipes behind the railing more quickly. This may actually save more along the lines of 5s since I've only timed the pathing as being about 1-2s faster. One thing to look out for when doing the climb is to try to hug the left edge of the walls and then center yourself when you go behind the wall for the last chain of walljumps, otherwise you will bonk on the bottom of the pipes.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

What are some stretches that you guys do to help prevent rsi/arthritis/carpal etc.? My hands and fingers have been hurting recently and sometimes I have to take a day off which sucks.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

I've been routing a game called artifact adventure for a while (yes I'm aware of a guy that did a run on YT, it's not even valid as it is a TA and not a RTA). Here is what I have gotten so far as a vague route (It's not done). I've been using Photoshop because of the layering and ability to create arrow heads. My question to you all is, what kinds of software are out there that could help with this sort of process for annotating each path? I could try labeling each connection or area visit in some form of 1A-LTR (FirstArea-VisitOne-AreaName) or something like that, but what I'd really like is something where I could mouseover and get data off of it. I could create an interactive web page but that would take more work for me, when I just want to focus on the route.

In a nutshell I'm looking for mapping software that has the following features: Layers Mouseover annotations (or some form of simple annotating that is visually linked with the route data) Simple and intuitive methods of visually drawing a route

North Carolina, USAChamploo8 years ago

Discovering the source of door clips has made me want to discover the source of the enigmatic Patsy Skip.

For those that have no idea, check the above link

Patsy skip is seemingly random, but I feel like some combination of elements can trigger the skip. If her AI only slightly glitches out (as in the above video) you can shoot her car to slow her down somewhat, but hopefully we can hunt for a full fledged version where she never gets in her car.

siyfics. and arneezy619 like this
North Carolina, USAChamploo8 years ago

¤Definitive Edition Users¤ Door clip has never been produced on definitive edition to my knowledge.

Door Clip - Specs: AMD Radeon HD 6950 Drivers 15.200.1055.0 (Info provided from Dalanarr) DirectX - ?? Game Version - 2.1.437044

I will not approve runs including door clip unless it can be reproduced consistently across most machines. I would like for this to be possible, but right now I cannot reproduce door clip. I was once able to produce it but have since lost my ability to.

If you can get it to work, give us all your information about graphics drivers, card, graphical settings (including which directx version you are using). I ask that anyone with the game, and any version, attempt to reproduce it.

If you don't realize how to do it by watching the video, you basically toggle your graphics settings from a low setting to a high setting (which in the video causes the doors to reload temporarily disappearing from the world, but that doesn't always happen)

About Champloo
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Sleeping Dogs
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Artifact Adventure
Artifact Adventure
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ROBLOX: Tower Defense Simulator
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Sleeping Dogs
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Artifact Adventure
Artifact Adventure
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Sleeping Dogs
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Artifact Adventure
Artifact Adventure
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