thread: Talk
ScotlandCasssss1 year ago

I mostly listen to Hardstyle, Techno (the specific genre, not a catch-all term for electronic music), Lento Violento, and according to Spotify, Alt-Z.

Really into this sort of stuff right now:

Gaming_64 likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

That's nice and all but this is all stuff that even an idiot would have included as features in the first place, so can't congratulate Elo that much.

FireStriker likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

The Fallout community has followed suit

"Following the recent update to, the Fallout speedrunning community will be observing a leaderboard blackout in support of the SHAR speedrunning community.

Any submitted runs will not be verified and the series' pages will remain dormant until either allows the disabling of comments and gives regular moderators the ability to delete comments, or the comment feature is removed from the site.

We apologize for any inconveniences.

  • Fallout mod team"
YUMmy_Bacon5, Quivico and 8 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

Assuming this thread is still being monitored, I would like to ask if the useless widgets on the game pages are staying, can they at least be optional? I find the forum posts one quite depressing, since the 3 most recent threads were 3 months, 1 year and 3 years ago. This makes the community look a lot less active than it actually is.

Gaming_64 likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

@Oreo321 the original poster of a comment was able to edit the comment even after deletion, and re-write the original message potentially. However, I think this has been fixed now, and comments can now be properly deleted (?)

Gaming_64, Oreo321 and 2 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

I just unfollowed all my games and it seems to have taken effect immediately (at least, I can't see them when viewing my own profile), so I guess mileage varies on that one

Gaming_64 likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

So not only are the new info boxes redundant, they're also potentially inaccurate lol

Gaming_64, Ivory and 7 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

@Oreo321 that's fair, didn't think of it being used for that sort of stuff - from a moderation POV that's actually quite useful then

Gaming_64 likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

Speaking of the news section, how useful a feature is this actually? I imagine most games have a Discord by now for such things. Having said that, I'm not against it, was just wondering why SRC is trying to become a social media platform rather than a database

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

Thinking about it, even if we work with the premise that only wholesome comments are ever posted, with no notifications of any kind, who will see those comments? What is the point of posting them?

YUMmy_Bacon5, FireStriker and 10 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

to me the display does not change from the fullgame graph, there's another user who has the same issue with that page so I don't think it's just me

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

In a game I moderate's stats fullgame works as intended, but none of the ILs seem to. Is this something I've bollocksed in the settings or are other people having this issue too?

YUMmy_Bacon5, MrMonsh and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

posted this in the feedback thread but it's relevant to this specific issue:

when a mod deletes a comment on a run, it only deletes the content and not the comment box itself. The poster of said comment can then edit it back to what it originally said. As pointed out before, at no point is a moderator made aware of any of this happening.

NihilistComedyHour, Kailaria and 17 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

Here's something I just noticed, when a mod deletes a comment on a run, it only deletes the content and not the comment box itself. The poster of said comment can then edit it back to what it originally said. As pointed out before, at no point is a moderator made aware of any of this happening.

I understand it's not cool to shit on somebody's hard work or whatever, but come on, this is ridiculous.

Gaming_64, Supra and 6 others like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

^ I just noticed that as well, actually lol. I honestly feel I cannot overstate how bad a redesign this is.

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
thread: The Site
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

No bugs to report but I do have feedback, nothing new really but just to add my 2 cents

  • Everything is too small.
  • Everything on the right-hand side is unnecessary information which clogs up the page.
  • Hiding subcategories in a drop-down menu is bad UI.
  • Game pages are just ugly.
  • Game forums look okay but again, so much useless information on the right-hand side.
  • Was anybody asking to be able to see the amount of times you've looked at a game's page?

Change for change's sake is never a good idea. If it ain't broke, don't break it. I appreciate the thought I guess, but it's a really bad job, guys.

Gaming_64, discranola and 7 others like this
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

Why? This is a different game, different community.

DeepDarkness likes this
ScotlandCasssss3 years ago

In case anyone's submitting full-game runs who's not on the Discord, we recently overhauled the way the runs are displayed, all platforms now appearing alongside each other.

There is no difference to the submission process, time your run in RTA as the rules outline and the mods will do the rest :)

DeepDarkness and SSBMagy_ like this
thread: Speedrunning
ScotlandCasssss4 years ago

I remember being 13, joining music forums and everyone was amazed at how young I was when they found out.

This was almost 20 years ago now, damn

gnrts, jackzfiml and 8 others like this
thread: Talk
ScotlandCasssss4 years ago

My kids found that skip themselves recently lol. It is slower than the current route though

About Casssss
fka Pentaghast
7 years ago
4 months ago
Games run
Perfect Dark Zero
Perfect Dark Zero
Last run 3 years ago
Doom (XBLA/PS3)
Doom (XBLA/PS3)
Last run 5 years ago
Doom II (XBLA/PS3)
Doom II (XBLA/PS3)
Last run 5 years ago
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty
Last run 6 years ago
The Forgotten City
The Forgotten City
Last run 2 years ago
Wolfenstein 3D (XBLA/PS3)
Wolfenstein 3D (XBLA/PS3)
Last run 5 years ago
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Last run 6 years ago
Games moderated
Ashita no Joe Touch: Typing Namida Hashi
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty
Last action 1 year ago