thread: The Site
BulletNick1 year ago

Yes you can put in a support hub request if the supermod is directly acting in opposition of community decisions.

Now in some cases community decisions are dumb and supermods can use their own judgement to reject board changes, but by the sounds of it, seems like a power hungry mod. Make sure to send proof when submitting the ticket.

Thank you for the concise response. I am currently in the process of talking to people and gathering proof to make a strong case sometime in the near future.

Just to make sure I am filing it correctly, which action would be best suited for this? "Become a moderator for an existing game", and including within it a request to remove a current (super)moderator?

thread: The Site
BulletNick1 year ago

If a game has essentially just one person, the supermod, in charge of the boards, and it is clear that they are making decisions and categories without any regard for community consensus or feedback, and have rejected proposals to change the boards and do not respond well to it, how would one go about asking for a change of ownership? Should I make a support ticket, explaining the situation and bringing evidence of this behavior? Should I message site staff directly about it? Or some other method?

BulletNick1 year ago

For those of you who are unaware, there has been an announcement both on the official Discord server, as well as on the Steam page, the game that so far has been known as "Monolith" is getting officially renamed to "Star of Providence", for reasons that the announcement goes into and that I won't repeat here.

As main admin of the boards, I have gone ahead and renamed the game, as well as given it a new URL and fancy logo art. Big shoutout to srcom staff for making the name change, couldn't have done it without their help and support.

Previous runs won't be affected, changed, or renamed in any way; they will remain as part of the boards, the categories are still valid and on-going. The records will stand as-is. This applies for both versions of the game; it has been confirmed that both versions will still be available in the future.

If future updates make substantial changes to the game, the categories, or anything that merits some rework, the mods and I will discuss it and implement whatever is necessary. But until such updates come, this is just a name change, everything else stays the same.


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BulletNick3 years ago

Because the DLC changed the in-game pricing system of the Care Package. Pre-DLC you could do many runs in a row and sacrifice the (relatively) low cost of spending multiple Care Packages. Because they were cheap, it seemed acceptable to encourage people to always use it, since there was no reason not to, aside from having to grind for it a bit, but that felt very achievable, and reasonable to make it part of the speedrunning meta.

The DLC made it so that the Care Package would always cost half of your entire hoard of Kleinesbucks (thank you Exy for coining that), with a minimum of 30K. This makes it so that your reserves are now drained drastically faster, and the whole process of grinding and resetting is now not really as feasible since you run out much quicker, unlike previously where it cost a fixed amount. Because of that, it no longer seemed reasonable to expect everyone to compete with this enabled, so the rule was changed. But that change was not retroactively applied to base game, so there the rule still remains.

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thread: The Site
BulletNick7 years ago

Greetings, BulletNick, co-moderator of the Monolith leaderboards. Punchy made me aware of the heated discussion that's been brewing here lately and I thought I'd explain what has been going on.

I started playing the game around early July, but I joined the Monolith Discord in very early August. At that time there wasn't much talk of speedrunning the game, and after a few weeks I really did my best to motivate people to start speedrunning Monolith. I was one of the first people to really take speedrunning it seriously and pushed people to get together and get organised. To show my point, here is some evidence that this has been going on for a while:

Here are some screenshots of conversations I had with Foxie, one of our early runners who has since dropped out, indicating that at least since early August we were aware of the sr.c leaderboard and already had doubts about it: Now let me say that if memory serves me right (and it might not in the following claim), Foxie DID contact Buju about this topic, but nothing much came of it. This is a post I made in mid-August proposing for some way of indicating categories: That pastebin doesn't exist anymore (because it was quickly pointed out to be a terrible idea) but the fact remains that already in August I was trying to get the ball rolling. The very next day, a guy who goes by Nox did the Discord server an immense favor by creating the official unofficial Monolith speedrun leaderboards, as you can see here:

This shows that there has been sufficient interest in speedrunning the game to the point where one of our players (very generously and kindly) created a Google Doc to track all of our times in mid-August. And the board shows that during August there was a flurry of submissions. There was a lull during September-December although now there's a few newer times in there. During all this time, to the best of my recollection, the sr.c page almost never updated, never had the categories this board has, and was generally mostly ignored by the community on the Discord server, partly due to frustration, partly due to apathy.

In all this time, Buju has NEVER, not ONCE, been seen talking or interacting with the people in the Discord server, which is were almost all the speedrunners and top players (that I am aware of thus far) congregate and discuss the game, and said server includes the actual devs who continually post updates, fixes, and teasers as to upcoming content. Not ONCE did I ever see Buju come up, not anyone claiming to be the moderator for the sr.c page. Here Buju basically proves that he has NOT been in contact with the community. As anyone who's been active on that server will tell you, speedrunning the game is one of the recurring topics when I'm around, partly because I hold pretty much all the records and actively encourage competition. So he has clearly NOT been in contact, nor was even aware of the community. Thus, his claim that there was no interest of that it was a dead game is hilariously false. He made no effort to find us or reach out to anyone. No one ever stepped up to say anything about the matter. Nor did he ever seem to catch the many, MANY videos I've done about speedrunning the game, all on YouTube and laboriously tagged to be easily found by anyone who was, say, remotely invested in maintaining the board in good shape. Nor do I recall seeing him on any streams. Basically, beyond his role as "moderator", no one has heard of him.

I personally trust Punchy to do a much better job of maintaining the board, partly because in the brief time where he's been moderator I've seen a lot more action taken to improve and work on boards, partly because Punchy has demonstrated beyond doubt to be invested in speedrunning and has already been giving me competition, and partly because he made an effort to reach out to the community and interact with people playing the game. The Discord server is not the easiest thing to find online but just asking around and talking to people will quickly point you towards there. I do not trust Buju to do nearly as good of a job, personally, as someone who has been speedrunning the game for months, always talking about it, pushing the WR, and constantly talking to people. Simply put, Buju has demonstrated, to me, at least, a complete and abhorrent lack of initiative towards his moderating job, and I do not believe he should be given his moderator role back.

But that's just my two cents on the matter.

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About BulletNick
8 years ago
4 days ago
Games run
Star of Providence
Star of Providence
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 4 years ago
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
Last run 2 years ago
Fist's Elimination Tower
Fist's Elimination Tower
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
Last visit 2 years ago
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Last visit 1 year ago
Last visit 2 years ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Fist's Elimination Tower
Fist's Elimination Tower
Last visit 1 year ago
Tetris The Grand Master 3: Terror-Instinct
You Died but a Necromancer Revived You
Star of Providence
Star of Providence
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Star of Providence
Star of Providence
Last action 2 years ago
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
FORWARD: Escape the Fold
Last action 2 years ago