Albatros935 likes this
Hi, I've tried to subdivide the levels but was unsuccesful. I don't know if it is possible, if it is it is outside of my knowledge. Instead, they have been moved to a new categorie on the main page: Individual Chapters. The previous levels (sidecar, plane) remain where they were originally.
@zyhramov, I have also moved your run to be in the correct category, you can find it under 'Individual Chapters > Marlinspike'
Zyhramov_STM3aXaP and Albatros935 like this
I added this, you better submit a run ;)
I have managed to install these. under leaderboards you will find each level that has a timer.
VergilAlphaOmega likes this
The little minigame in which you have to get the fastest time driving 3 rounds using the sidecar would make a funny thing to speedrun, I'd love to see it added.
VergilAlphaOmega likes this
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