Nice, i never noticed that the session timer in the finnish screen is different from the completion screen. Thanks for updating the time!
The skip you found out in Hideaway is sick, it is so much faster than the older route.
While not 3D Airblade for the ps2 has IL select and the leaderboard goes by ingame time.
Seems like everybody is completely misunderstanding what i am saying, Look at the Kamiko board, we have around 30 runs in our most popular category. Two of those are only verified by pictures, and guess what, they would be the slowest runs even if we would time the game by in hame time but we don't, so the runs automatically drop to the last spot. In my opinion it's better to include those runs rather than outright reject them, so far no one has complained about them on discord or the board.
Way to be an asshole, the best thing to do is agree to disagree, there are some people who put the community in front of the competition and vice versa in speedrunning and we clearly stand on different sides of the whole thing.
You are taking this way too seriously, plus not everybody has stable enough of a connection to the internet that they can upload videos, i have worked in rural places where i basically had no phone coverage and the only available internet access would have been an costly and unreliable satelite internet connection. While an extreme example i wouldn't want to gatekeep people out of the games i and they love to play. And the difference between WR and non-WR runs are that non-WR runs are not pushing for boundaries.
If we both would be into track running, and i would tell you that i improved my time from what is considered slow to a standard time, would your first reaction be to require same level of proof as some other guy telling how he broke the world record and his morning run? Not every people aim for that number #1 spot, some just enjoy being part of the community, and being on the leaderboards counts towards that, whether the guy is number #1 or the last one on the list.
In the end we can argue about this all we want, but in it is in the hands of the moderators of every game to come up with the rules and what evidence is acceptable for verifying runs.
If you are referring to me that's not what i'm saying at all. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for the dude who doesn't have the capture card or means to upload videos. Obviously if a cheated run is found it should be removed and the runner penalized but for a non wr run that's not significant you don't need video for it, especially if the ranking is done by IGT instead of RT, obviously you cannot verify RT runs from a screenhot.
that's pretty much what i do as well, though i haven't ran into any sketchy runs other than a few minor timing mistakes. What i'm kinda getting at is that if you want to cheat an okay - to better than average time it wouldn't be too hard to slip by the mods so an argument of not allowing screenshots as verification is kinda moot to me. And again when talking WR level records then you are going to be needing some more proof than a simple screen cap.
yeah but if it's not a WR run i don't see why it really matters, cheating in it self is petty and if somebody wants to cheat an average time i don't really see it as a problem, since there are faster non cheated runs. For an example if the game has few runners, i'm sure as hell going to accept image proof and not drive away the few potential runs, on a more popular game you can be more picky on what you accept as a proof, but that's just my opinion, all of these rules are just lines in the sand after all. When cheaters get enough eyes on them they will be caught eventually anyway.
Kamiko on switch has an ingame timer, sadly the times are ranked in real time first IGT second but we have a few in game time runs only.
@spiderhako If it's not a WR i don't see why a picture isn't enough, cheaters get caught when their runs bubble to the surface. I doubt many mods verify all of the runs fully, i'd imagine that a lot will just check that the IGT and RT are matching and maybe check a few hard points in the run.
@Chrixiam98 I need to give the hobbit another try then, i remember buying it when it came out and thought the game to be absolutely horrible and proceeded to repress my memories on it, so thanks for bringing those up. Maybe the game will be good this time around.
A few years ago i picked up a ps2 game called Airblade, basically a mix between tony hawk and jet set radio, fell in love with the weird controls and silly cutscenes so i started running it and promptly got the records for it since the lack of players, but man that game has so much potential and just needs that one break to get a few more people to jump in.
Here's a single level run of the final, most linear level in airblade.
Do you have any games that you wish were more popular? If so share a link and maybe we will get some players moving around.
I don't think images are the right way to go. They are so easy to manipulate that if you have even a rudimentary knowledge of photoshop you can whip out a good time in few minutes.
In early runs there were a lot more death abuse than now days, picking up the secret items was a big change. I also don't think a no damage run would be all that much thanks to the reset rate and the slowed down pace since there are some nasty spawns all around the place, especially in the later levels.
The leaderboards are sorted by RTA so even if you have a good IGT run you would see your time in the bottom. It's not much trouble for us to check the RTA ourselves when you post your run, so it's completely up to you if you want to include it or not.
Dresdun suggested himself and i, and since i visit the site daily i have no problems of being a mod.
@Deln Apparently there is around 10 runs waiting to be verified, and as i don't use twitter that's not really of use to me. His last login is over a week ago, and for a new game it would be nice if the runs would be updated when they come in so that the game has more exposure and might gain a few more runners that way. It should be easier for everybody for Admins to make new mods than users bugging mods about it.
We were talking in the Kamiko forums that we might want a few more mods since the only mod we have is barely present and hasn't said a word about anything.
Dresden and me are looking to be moderators for Kamiko since both of us are pretty active.