United StatesB31JS2 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in the creation of a boss rush category? I know that I would be interested in running it. Thanks!

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thread: Years Later
United StatesB31JS3 years ago

I decided that the Min Death% category should join the ranks of the fallen among our (few) dead "buddies" because in many cases it and Any% runs were the same thing, and so it just seemed like kind of a pointless category to have

If anyone disagrees with this decision, I am completely open to discussion on the issue so please let me know

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Yeah, idk though because we can’t really just leave it like normal, because then the world record would be unbeatable

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Sounds good, but that any% is quite the predicament

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Yeah no worries, you’re even allowed to use update characters as allies. The only thing dividing the categories are which character you choose as P1

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

After playing a little bit, I think I have to say separation could work. The new levels truly are very different, and even if future waves are slower and we decide to merge the categories, that still wouldn’t pose much of an issue, as the runs could be added if the settings were changed so that different character runs don’t obsolete each other.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Or ykw I’ll give you until Monday to edit your runs rather than them being rejected, any unfixed runs by the time Monday morning rolls around (EST) will be rejected (you can still resubmit them though)

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Well, I just received a DM on Discord telling me that you stopped her timer a couple seconds early, and I checked you other runs and found out that you did this for all except your two slowest runs. I don’t know nor do I care if you cheated or if you just forgot, but either way I am going to reject all of the inaccurate runs, please resubmit them (from slowest to fastest) with the correct time, you don’t have to change the video, I just need a correct time in the time box (I would really appreciate if you did this for all of the runs because I like having the record of the past runs there, and also please make sure you have the original date right in the new submissions)

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Well as long as you turned on sharing that’s fine

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

I don’t see any issue with keeping the runs up

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Ok, thanks

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

I like the Stone Talus idea, I’d run it if it were added.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Nice job, I don’t think it can get much faster than that, maybe a couple seconds because you got stuck on some blocks briefly, and you had to wait for a lighting bat, but other than that it was basically perfect.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Lol take as long as you want, I would just like some other good reason why you should be a mod. ?

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Do you have any other reasons? The game already has 2 mods and is not nearly active enough to require another one. Btw your WR for Any% got beat.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Hey Will please make sure you are checking the in game death count, I noticed you verified a run without one, but it is in the rules and it is an important one. I’ll let the run stay up though.

thread: The Site
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Ok I’ll try looking for him on that

Edit: Huh ok he’s on there, sorry, I didn’t know he was on there because there was no discord link on his profile

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

I know it says to check with the super mod first, but I would like to become a moderator of Kirby Star Allies, and the only super mod only has Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube. I don’t think YouTube would be reliable for communicating with them, and I don’t have Twitch or Twitter. Would it still be appropriate to request moderation here even though I haven’t asked the super mod?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
About B31JS
7 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Kirby: Star Allies
Kirby: Star Allies
Last run 6 years ago
Spike City
Spike City
Last run 6 years ago
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Last run 6 years ago
Years Later
Years Later
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Kirby: Star Allies
Kirby: Star Allies
Last visit 3 years ago
Years Later
Years Later
Last visit 1 year ago
Goonya Fighter
Goonya Fighter
Last visit 3 years ago
Games moderated
Years Later
Years Later
Last action 1 year ago