thread: Portal 2
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I don't want you to do a run because I'm not a mod. I'm just saying that if runs already existed it would give the mods more of an incentive to add your idea, but don't expect the unexpected to happen.

thread: Portal 2
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

When it comes to requesting new categories, the general conesensus is that you do runs of it first and then you can ask if it should be added so the mods have an actual incentive to add it. People wanting to run a category is not enough traffic for it to actually be added, if you really wanted to run it that badly you would've already done runs by now.

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thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

What PaccAttack said

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thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

The splits aren't supposed to contain any times if that's what you mean, they're just so you know what the maps are and don't need to set up your own splits when you start running the game.

thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

But this is not Portal Elevators.

thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I think LiveSplit is the problem here rather than your game files. Make sure you have the right settings in SourceSplit (the autosplitter), deactivate and reactivate SourceSplit and see if that helps, or try reinstalling LiveSplit before you go through the trouble of reinstalling Source Unpack.

thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

Portal runs in windowed mode by default if you're using Source Unpack.

ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I've done Any% All Glitches runs on controller before by mapping the alt key to a controller via joy2key, but now I'm trying to switch to keyboard and the alt glitch won't work in certain situations.

When I'm just standing and pressing alt it works every time and when I'm at full running speed it usually works too, but trying to press alt and a directional key shortly after or at the same time, the game won't freeze. This usually happens standing on a single tile and trying to alt glitch. My other key binds are shift for sprint, z for jump and the arrow keys as directional keys, but I tried different key bindings and still had the same issue. I also tried windowed and fullscreen mode, but nothing worked.

Do other people have this issue or am I the only one? Any help would be appreciated.

thread: Polarity
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I believe how it works is that to the left side of where you start off there's a checkpoint that tells the teleporter to put you back there when you fall down, but for some reason the default checkpoint on that level is further into the level so if you just avoid the start checkpoint you will get there when you fall down. You should get it every time if you just walk forward without moving your mouse.

ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

Alright I downloaded the first GBC boot ROM I found on the internet and it seems to be the same length as on console although if you press the reset button on a GameCube it fades out and takes a while to load up the Game Boy logo, which is where the 5 seconds difference comes from. The logo itself takes around 3 seconds, so even with the boot ROM emulator would still be 2 seconds faster than a Game Boy Player, but it might be different on a Super Game Boy or Super Game Boy 2.

At the end of the day it's not really a big difference anyway I guess.

ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I've just tested this on console and can confirm it definitely works.

I also timed some resets and a reset on emulator is pretty much exactly 7 seconds up until the main menu screen, a reset on my console version was around 12.4 seconds (it's kind of hard to time because it fades out on a Game Boy Player instead of cutting abruptly like on an emulator), although I only own the Japanese version of the game and the intro/opening credits are a little different than the US version. On the US version a reset should be about 12.7 seconds with my timing. The only difference between console and emulator should be the Game Boy logo at the start, which I've timed to be about 5.7 seconds, although the Pokémon community uses a penalty of 5 seconds on emulator for every hard reset and I trust their judgement more than mine.

Also, if anyone was wondering, you still get the card drop you would normally get from the duel, but it's probably pretty useless since you don't see which card you got.

thread: Portal
ValhallaAvetixz7 years ago

I think having something like big weekly or monthly races could be fun too if enough people are willing to participate, probably seperate races for OoB and No OoB in that case.

ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

If there is a new category for every glitch it will just overflow the leaderboard with categories and the world records in those categories will become meaningless. This is kind of already the case with the Any% (Major Glitches) ones, so I don't think this is needed for even less popular categories.

thread: HuniePop
ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

If one day a HuniePop speedrunner just decided, "Kyu's dialogue is funny, let's make that a meme category.", then I would totally agree with all the points you have given and I think the category should be run on the fastest difficulty. But that's not the reason why this category exists, it exists because it's a reference to a semi-popular meme video, which clearly describes the category as Homie% Hard, so it only makes sense to take that like it is.

I don't necessarily agree with the idea of adding a new category because of a meme video, but since the fact that you want to run Homie% on Easy presupposes the existence of Homie% Hard, I think Homie% Hard has more reason to be a category than an altered version of it.

For the record, I don't consider Get Laid the main category for this game, it shouldn't even be a category in my opinion, but that's not really important. I agree that if one category has a difficulty division, all other (main) categories should have one too, although I'd rather none of them have one. I don't think this should necessarily apply for misc. categories too though.

The popularity argument comes up a lot when people are discussing categories and I can certainly see why a popular category would be added, opposed to a more unpopular category, but I still disagree with it. A mass of people can still collectively make bad decisions, just because a lot of people are doing it doesn't mean it's the right thing. I give it to you though that ultimately the masses decide, for example the reason Get Laid is considered the main category is because the most people run it, so I'm not sure what to think about this argument anymore.

I realize that I probably sound very negative, but I actually agree with a lot of your points, I just think in this particular instance your category has no leg to stand on. Ultimately I'm pretty indifferent if Homie% gets added as a category, as much as I am indifferent about Homie% Hard being a category in the first place, the only reason I'm arguing here is to present my personal opinions for other people to consider, but I'm fine with being in the wrong.

I'm sorry if I made anybody's life harder by writing these posts.

thread: HuniePop
ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

Although I don't really run this game I'm gonna throw in my two cents here:

Just because someone holds multiple world records doesn't mean that he is trying to hog them, in fact I would think the opposite is the case, most people WANT competition, especially in an inactive speed game.

I also think that the amount of arbitrary categories should be kept to a minimum, even if they are hidden behind a misc. flag, "misc." isn't a justification to add unreasonable categories. Not saying that Homie% would be unreasonable, but I don't really see the point of adding it, especially since your only reasoning was because you're "too bad to run the 'real' category". I strongly believe that categories and rules should always be modelled based on rational, objective factors and not personal convenience, even if it's just a meme category, but maybe I'm overreacting here.

You can still route and run any category you want though, even if there's no leaderboard for it, and there is actually another Homie% run, so you do have competition:

thread: Portal 2
ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

This is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion, a lot of big speed games have some form of unskippable cutscene at the beginning, most notably Zelda games, and you don't see anybody skipping those, not to mention that this isn't even a cutscene but actual gameplay you're skipping.

I don't think the legitimacy of a run should ever be sacrificed due to an arbitrary factor such as "convenience". You might as well skip all the other waiting scenes in this game, just because one is at the beginning doesn't make it any more rational to skip it.

ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

I'm pretty sure you can have multiple times on the same leaderboard if you just uncheck the box "Values obsolete eachother" in the variable settings.

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ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

I feel like variables should only be used to point out small advantages or differences between runs to the point where all the runs on the same leaderboard would still be comparable, and shouldn't change the whole ruleset. So to speak, the top time on a leaderboard should be considered the sole world record regardless of the variables selected. In this case putting the different categories as subcategories might be more appropriate.

ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

If there aren't enough active mods then more mods should be added, moderation really shouldn't be a problem on a semi-popular leaderboard.

ValhallaAvetixz8 years ago

Since 1 Char is the only category where you can choose what character to use I thought it would be nice to have a variable for it so you can easily see the characters being used just by looking at the leaderboard and can also compare times between individual characters. That's all, feel free to share what you think.

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