thread: Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4
I want to have a reason to speedrun yarnaby section but not skipping him bcs it seems like a good speedrun to do???
thread: Five Laps at Freddy’s
thread: Five Laps at Freddy’s
Question: do you need to use livesplit for speedruning because the game give you a time at the end?
TheLouieCopeland likes this
thread: Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1
@TryhardX2 I dont know why it only does that it is kinda weird that it only happens to that split
run: Lethal Company
new run i submited this one like 2 days ago and i didnt get submited
thread: Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1
with my run that i just did it autosplited the catbee doll scan
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