ArloLinn2 years ago

Personally I think it should be all superbs since it’s not exactly long, and it should be open for people duel wielding or 2 actual people. Since the 2 player is unlocked as you beat the single player either each run would take ages to set up or we’d have to let people do runs on files that already have superbs on the 2 player (which would save time because you don’t get the medal animation and don’t wait to unlock the next game, but if everyone did it under those conditions there would be no advantage). If anyone has any ideas or just thinks it would make for an interesting category please leave a comment, the first step in making this a category is finding people who would actually be interested

ArloLinn2 years ago

Thanks for the response, those are some valid reasons, I guess it would be bothersome to make sure no one was cheating or anything. (Also if you could check your messages that’d be great thanks)

ArloLinn2 years ago

I just realised that the eshop in fact still works for Wii U so I’ve been able to get the game for a reasonable £20 instead of £100. As it turns out my emulator has been running on a 20 second delay so all my inputs are way early so I basically have to relearn the game… but I’ll try for a run eventually (I still think emulators should be allowed though)

Calcious likes this
ArloLinn2 years ago

Yeah my emulator isn’t great with micro row and flock step, however it doesn’t (as far as I’m aware) cause issues with the timings, it just causes the screen to black out so you just play those sections blind, not ideal but it doesn’t really cause any advantage or disadvantage. Obviously I don’t have a physical copy to test but aren’t the loading times already different on the Wii and Wii U versions? I guess one option would just be to compare loading times to the Wii and add/subtract the difference accordingly

BigFireHawk likes this
ArloLinn2 years ago

I understand emulating games is a controversial topic, but this is an 11 year old game and Nintendo isn’t making any new copies, they don’t profit off of used game sales and I don’t have a spare £50 to buy an 11 year old used game. I understand that loading times would differ, but they already differ between Wii and Wii U, and it’s not like this is a particularly popular game to speedrun, so what’s the harm in allowing emulators?

BigFireHawk likes this
About ArloLinn
2 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Last visit 1 year ago