United StatesAndrewCole6 months ago

I tried making a new user on my switch, but it says that user can't play the game because they don't own it. Am I missing something or would I need to buy the game again for a dedicated speedrun mode user?

United StatesAndrewCole7 months ago

All I can find about this so far is an Instagram post (RetroGameCon | Introducing our biggest FREE tournament of 2024: Nintendo World Championships NES Edition on Switch! This weekend-long competition will… | Instagram)

I am planning on going and entering. I don't know exactly what the run will be. I assume Legendary Trial. My PB is getting very close to a sub 26, which is when I will upload here. Is anybody else planning to go and compete?

More info about RetroGameCon (RetroGameCon - Video Game Expo - Syracuse, NY)

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United StatesAndrewCole7 months ago

I honestly thought going into this that one of the other games like Balloon Fight or Ice Climber or Excite Bike would be hurdles, but after learning to play them and giving it a few goes I was able to get all S rank. Kirby on the other hand feels like a nightmare. You double tap to run, which is already annoying, but it also goes against every instinct to hold B to run. You pretty much never want to fly ever unless it is absolutely required, so even looking at UP on the d-pad will kill your attempt. On top of that, some of them seem to be very tightly tuned for the S. Kirby is all I have left somehow.

Maybe I just suck. Maybe it's just a skill issue.

Alder likes this
About AndrewCole
7 months ago
4 months ago
Games run
Games followed
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition