Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

In case you're wondering, I wrote this in Notepad:

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do WScript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "{ESCAPE}"


then changed the name from "Duke Dashington TAS.txt" to "Duke Dashington TAS.vbs" then ran it.

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

If you could go around turns with pixel precision, as well as utilize little time saving tricks (such as not touching the floor when going around corners), AND there happens to be one or two time saves we haven't found yet, sub 2 could definitely be possible! I'm not great at programming, but this might help get the best time on the leaderboard:

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

This actually happened the first time I speedran that level! I might have a video but I'm not sure. Hasn't happened to me since.

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

This actually happened the first time I speedran that level! I might have a video but I'm not sure. Hasn't happened to me since.

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

This actually happened the first time I speedran that level! I might have a video but I'm not sure. Hasn't happened to me since.

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

Not sure if this will save any time or if this has already been discovered, but I figured I should share just in case.

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

On Atlantis level 28 I found a very interesting glitch that could save some time. It involves activating a button without the button making any indication that it was pressed. Here's a video to see what I mean:

Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

Great! Thank you

derkonna likes this
Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

Cool, let me know

derkonna likes this
Texas, USAAlexTheGreatish7 years ago

Duke Dashington Remastered is now available on Newgrounds. Should this platform be added?

derkonna and lewonx like this
About AlexTheGreatish
8 years ago
5 years ago
Games run
Duke Dashington Remastered
Duke Dashington Remastered
Last run 7 years ago
Super Smash Flash 2
Super Smash Flash 2
Last run 8 years ago
Games followed
Duke Dashington Remastered
Duke Dashington Remastered
Last visit 5 years ago