Admi4 years ago

Back in April I discovered that you can clip through buildings (and even out of bound) using a glitch when Huang gets into a vehicle. So far I haven't found any useful strats for this except for "Clear the Pier" after using the save glitch.

What you need to do is to get a vehicle (only some works with this glitch) and park the driver's side near a wall or anything to clip through (make sure there is just enough gap). Then, climb over the vehicle and press enter vehicle while standing near the driver's side. While Huang is opening the door, cancel the animation by moving and he should clip through most solid objects.

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Admi4 years ago

On 27 March, I realised that somehow I encountered a glitch where my money and ammo increased a lot on Android. The ammo got maxed out at one thousand bullets while the money at around $9,999,999. I can't remember doing what exactly to cause it. The last I thing I remember was replaying "Flatliner" but I'm pretty sure that it might have occurred before that. The only advantage in a speedrun that I can think of is getting the money for some missions and buying houses in 100%. I didn't use any cheat as the stats says that 0 cheat has been entered.

About Admi
4 years ago
2 months ago
Games run
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Games followed
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Last visit 2 months ago