thread: The Site
Alberta, CanadaATunaOnWhite4 years ago

@starsmiley I will ask the mods to add another mod. However we have done that in the past and they deem to be not looking for mods at this time. Ill let you know the outcome.

thread: The Site
Alberta, CanadaATunaOnWhite4 years ago

I would like a site admin to look into the preferential treatment of verifying PRs based on the current Tetris Attack tournament being held by puzzle general. Cardsoftheheart has deemed it okay that Runs for their tournament get preferential treatment as they have a "Deadline" to meet compared to other runners who dont have interest in joining their tournament. In moderation rules "Moderators must remain impartial in their treatment of community members." and "Preferential treatment of any type (moving runs up in the verification queue, verifying runs that do not meet standards, etc) is forbidden, especially if associated with payment or favors. Failure to remain impartial may result in moderator removal." Puzzle General has a hierarchy on the moderation of the puzzle series games and while myself and another community member (Surrisama) have tired to reason with them and state that their treatment is unfair they neglect to budge. We have asked for a new mod that isnt part of the puzzle general community because of all the scrutiny and preferential treatment on runs. I am asking for the removal of Cardsoftheheart, from the boards based on their continuous actions of gatekeeping people that want to play these games and not listening to the community. (Not to mention it took over a month to get a mod to look at the save state rule they deemed was okay even though emulator specific functions are banned) as well as having a new appointed mod that isnt part of the puzzle general discord that has a choke hold on all panel related baords at this time. Two runners have removed their times from the boards across the puzzle series and therefore due to the moderation of the boards we have lost two amazing runners that just wanted to enjoy running the game they love. If i site admin would like to reach out to me for evidence of this I would be more than happy to oblige.

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Alberta, CanadaATunaOnWhite4 years ago

Seeing as a month has now passed and no mod response is here do I just start save stating before selecting VS COM now? Does this carry onto other panel games such as PDP, NPC PDP, PPL, PPC? This is why we needed (and still need) Clarification on this topic and its saddening to see that this post died out like it did.

I would very much like to know the reason as to why emulator specific functions (like save stating) are acceptable.

As stated here Under the save states line. Savestates and any emulator-exclusive functions are completely banned.

I don't understand why runs breaking the rules of posting are being accepted by the mods just because they aren't hitting the top of the leaderboards. And if they are going to continue accepting these runs some clear indication of the supposed rules are then long over due.

Alberta, CanadaATunaOnWhite4 years ago

I would like to know when we can expect some resolution output about emulator specific rules.

Or alternatively, when that conversation with the community will be taking place.

About ATunaOnWhite
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Panel de Pon
Panel de Pon
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Tetris Attack
Tetris Attack
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Pokémon Puzzle League
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Pokémon Puzzle Challenge
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