Old Versions
Old Versions
Updated 2 years ago by YuriBacon

Different versions of the game have some different minor bugs. You can check your version in the options menu on the title screen.

NOTE: The current release, Ver. 3.0, has a bug that makes it impossible to get RUSH during the final boss, and it's impossible to use an apartment key after one usage. I don't know what versions are and aren't affected by this, but I know v1.0.4 is not affected by these bugs.

To download an older version, you can either:

  1. Edit your Steam shortcut. Right click on it, and click on Properties. Go to target, and at the end, add -console
  2. Open the command prompt, navigate to where you have Steam installed, then run Steam -console

Make sure to close Steam entirely, then open it with your shortcut or in the command prompt. You should see along the top there should now be "Console" in big text near Store and Library. Enter the console, and enter this command:

download_depot 573320 573321 X

Replace X with the ManifestID of whatever version you want. The ManifestID for v1.0.4 is 4170508204381692490. You can find a full list of them here: https://steamdb.info/depot/573321/manifests/

Once the download starts, wait until it completes. When it completes, it will tell you what folder it saved to. You can run the game from there, or anywhere's you want, including the Steam install directory.

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