Ending 3 in 13m 38s 830ms by
The Blowfish fight was terrible. I don't know why I didn't stick with my true and tested safe corner strat. Eventually after a few deaths and some wasted minutes I finally did it clean.
Time splits
Provided by Splits.io
# | Name | Split | Finished at |
1 | F0 (→) Gold | 0m 17s 480ms | 0m 17s 480ms |
2 | F1 Gold | 0m 26s 766ms | 0m 44s 246ms |
3 | F2 (→) Gold | 0m 17s 513ms | 1m 01s 759ms |
4 | F3 (↑) Gold | 0m 16s 922ms | 1m 18s 681ms |
5 | F21 Gold | 0m 22s 534ms | 1m 41s 215ms |
6 | F22 Gold | 1m 09s 090ms | 2m 50s 305ms |
7 | F37 (↑) Gold | 1m 39s 479ms | 4m 29s 784ms |
8 | F39 Gold | 1m 19s 952ms | 5m 49s 736ms |
9 | F44 Gold | 0m 50s 901ms | 6m 40s 637ms |
10 | F45 Gold | 0m 55s 656ms | 7m 36s 293ms |
11 | F46 Gold | 0m 37s 299ms | 8m 13s 592ms |
12 | F53 Gold | 0m 37s 620ms | 8m 51s 212ms |
13 | F54 Gold | 5m 11s 050ms | 14m 02s 262ms |
14 | F55 Gold | 1m 13s 057ms | 15m 15s 319ms |
Steam Replays Are Now Valid As Video Proof
I recently did this change for the Sayonara Umihara Kawase leaderboard, and thought I'd do the same for Shun! This will help runner who otherwise might not be able to, or want to, record their runs, now can still run and submit their times.
If there's anything else you want to see changed or ad
Recent runs
Level: F43
Level: F44
Level: F46