7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I might look into it.


Yeah, that's true. My loads are really slow.

New Jersey, USA

No we don't have an autosplitter yet but I'm probabaly going to look into a load remover. If it was up to me to decide what to do, I would keep the current runs but make it a rule that from [insert date] forward you must include time without loads.

Illinois, USA

I agree with antigravity. Keep the runs on there and make it a rule for all future runs.

United States

(Quoting ZZKer)

"Unfortunately, certain screens show no indication of loading, even when they obviously are. The best example of this is after turning off the mind control facility: the lights turn off, it loads another map, and the narration comes in, but there isn't an actual loading screen as it loads in the darkness. There are other points this happens, though that one is the main one that comes to mind."

ZZKer likes this
New Jersey, USA

Agreed. But as I've said perviously about finding pointers, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack except it's a stack of needles and you need one specific needle and you don't know what that needle looks like and the needle stack is on fire and you're on fire.

New Jersey, USA

What I'm saying is if you happen to find the pointer that makes the game load, tell me.

New Jersey, USA

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have found a way via Sourcesplit to get Game Time, which does not include loads or when the game is paused. By adding Sourcesplit into your layout editor and doing these settings you can get this: http://imgur.com/a/kQPY0

I plan on adding this time to the boards after talking to the other mods. If they wish to give their opinions on this here that also works.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ZZKer likes this
New Jersey, USA

Real Time is also automatically recorded with this. This timer will show up when adding Sourcesplit to your layout: http://imgur.com/a/TDkJN

New Jersey, USA

I also forgot to mention that in order for this to work you need to right click Livesplit, go to Compare Against, then select Game Time.

Ontario, Canada

hot diggity dog it fucking works

Edited by the author 7 years ago
South Carolina, USA

I tried to solve this issue so long ago and you came through AntiGrav. When I'm not busy as all get out, I'll have to try it out. But if it is indeed working, we should change the layout of all categories to include both in-game and rta times. That way, we get both the legacy timings and the new timings. I might be up for retiming some old runs, but like I said, when I'm not super busy, and it'd still be hard because of some not-so-obvious loading screens.

OmegaFallon likes this
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