Leaderboard Update (10/18/21)
Leaderboard Update (10/18/21)
Posted 2 years ago by

Hello! The TSG leaderboards have been updated to include a format variable. The new variable introduced is used to indicate what you're running the game off of in your run.

There are only two options, Disc and HDD. If you played the game off disc for any version, mark your run down as Disc. If you installed your game to the Xbox 360's hard drive and/or are HDD loading off any console to do your run, mark that down as HDD.

While it may seem unimportant, it's a good thing to specify what a run was done off of just incase any questions are thrown around or if something in the future happens. The only thing not allowed currently to run on is if you have your game installed to/loading it off a SSD.

Modding your consoles to run the game has always been allowed, it's what can make PS2 and PS3 catch up to Wii and X360 respectively, but there hasn't been any testing done with SSD loading. What we do know, is that for Wii and X360 you need to mod your console in order to have access to using it. PS3 would need modding as well to dump the disc to the SSD since it's one of many games on the console to not install game data to the internal drive. The loads would be faster than the max we allow currently, which is X360 HDD. On a side note, if you use a SSD in your PS3 and play off disc, the loads would only be a second faster. This is allowed, but you mark it down as disc.

Thank you for reading, happy running!

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Leaderboard Update (3/26/22)

As the result of a recent development for PS3/X360, we have now decided to split Any% into two different categories. We now have Any% No Position Storage and we have Any%. Let's talk about that.

3/23/22 brought us the discovery of Position Storage thanks to a video by a runner named ToxicPinHead.

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