AoD Autosplitter Setup Guide
AoD Autosplitter Setup Guide
Updated 3 years ago by rtrger


If you do runs of this game on PC, it is advised to use the autosplitter/load remover script integrated into LiveSplit for a consistent start and end timing of the run as well as to remove all loading times. This is important because the preferred timing method is RTA without loading times.


To activate the script, right click somewhere on the LiveSplit window, click Edit Splits, in the Splits Editor menu, type "Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness" to the Game Name menubar. A bit below you can see the text "Load removal and auto-splitting are available." To the right of that, click on the Activate button (which should turn to Deactivate after you clicked it).

If you don't want splits, press OK, make sure to save your layout and you're done.

For splits, click on the Settings menu which is to the right of the Deactivate button. In the appearing menu's Advanced section, put a tick to a level name if you want that level to end with a split. Please do not untick the box near Eckhardt's Lab!

Do not untick Start or Split in this menu, to make sure the script's correct functionality.

If you wish to run the Prague category, make sure to tick the "Start timer at Prague (The Monstrum Crimescene)." option, for other categories, leave this option unticked.

If you're done selecting your splits, make sure you have the correct amount of splits prepared in the Split Editor menu. So for example, if you selected 8 splits in the settings, you should have 8 entries in the Split Editor menu. You can add more entries with the Insert Above and the Insert Below buttons.

Displaying the load removed time

To display your run's time without loads in your split layout, right click on LiveSplit's window, select Compare Against, and select Game Time.

To display your time with loads, you can either add another timer to your layout and make it compare against Real Time (right click, Edit Layout, plus symbol, Timer, double click on the Timer text that just showed up, near the Timing Method option, select Real Time, press OK), or you can download the "Alternate Timing Method" component here and put it into the Components folder of your LiveSplit folder, then add it to your layout in LiveSplit (Edit Layout, click on the plus symbol), where it can be found under the Information group of components.


If you have troubles with using the script, consider the following:

  • The LiveSplit script will fail to work if you use Sasho's or Nakamichi's patches. The game displays "Build: 55" in the menu if you use Sasho's patch.

  • The autosplitter/load remover also won't work if you rename the executables of the game.

  • Make sure you don't have any old scripts for Angel of Darkness in your layout. You can check that by right click → Edit Layout → if you see "Scriptable Auto Splitter" in the Layout Editor menu, then click on it and press the minus symbol on the left side of the menu, then press OK at the bottom.

  • If you don't have splits in your layout (right click, Edit Layout, the word "Splits" is not visible in the Layout Editor menu), make sure you have only one split entry in the Splits Editor menu, otherwise LiveSplit will stop the timer at the wrong moment.

  • Make sure to run LiveSplit as administrator, without that, script functionalities may not work at all.

If you still have issues, contact us on Discord (you can find an invite link on the left menu bar of this page) so we can help you out.

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