The rules aren't clear, are we allowed to kill the creatures that have the "doesn't count as a kill" mark on them, making the category first and foremost a "get the heart and spade for every level" category, which is what the name 100% seems to insinuate?
Agreed, the rules should be changed to "all hearts and spades collected in a consecutive run" or some such. I feel like dying and restarting also defeats the purpose, but perhaps that's up to debate. Should definitely be changed to at least mention "all hearts and spades".
Yeah I agree, I saw the run that's listed right now and also felt that restarting the level was a bit of a faux pas, but I elected not to mention it primarily because in theory if the run becomes optimised enough then you shouldn't be able to get a world record with a death in it anyway.
Honestly I'm on the fence of whether I think a death with restart level should be allowed, I could really be swayed either way.
Yeah true, I've been too lazy to attempt it. It'll be deathless when one of us goes for it lol
Yeah I agree, 100 percenting is based on the game, so if the game allows you to do something you should be able to do it. Kinda dumb for me not to mention that in the rules. I do think you should have the option to restart cause you're still getting the hearts and spades, but yeah once the run gets optimised it shouldnt matter