Quick categories question!
7 years ago


Just curious, can we get different difficulty categories? Planning on doing my first run tonight and wanted to do normal for a bit of extra challenge, but obviously it'll be slower than easy. I must admit i'm also guilty of doing this with Dead Souls (although the fast we get through Dead Souls the better!) so I understand if we just stick to easy.

Also as a quick question, can we get a NG+ category as well? I'm definitely gonna do a few runs of it to see how much quicker it goes. It's a shame it doesn't follow Dead Souls which skips a few tutorials sadly

Ontario, Canada

Sure we can get some difficulty based categories. I really only did the run for fun so the time is pretty trash. If you have any suggestions for timings, categories that's fine by me.

As for splitting after the last QTE that's probably best yeah.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago

Mmm. I think these categories and difficulties are good. All Substories could work and interests me, but it would be a lot of work. It'd be a lot more palletable than say 100% which...is a bit on the silly side and I highly doubt anyone will ever do it. I might do routing and a All Substories run eventually, but that won't be anytime soon. I think for any% there's places that can be improved. One of the big ones i'm looking at is the waiting around in Sotenbori with Kiryu. Considering you can do his first one quickly by quitting out of Outrun in the Club Sega it makes me hopeful there's something that'll make it faster for the second one, but so far i've found nothing.

Ontario, Canada

Yeah I was thinking the same. All substories is something that someone might actually run rather than 100% which nobody in their right mind would run. If someone runs it though I'll probably add it.


I know this is a bit of an old thread but I wanted to ask a question about categories. I was wondering what rules there are about what can be a category. I did a run where I started on a new premium adventure save and tried to get a billion yen as quickly as possible, is this a viable category? This is the first speedrun I've ever done so I don't understand this stuff well. Thanks for any help.


i was thinking a catagory of perhaps fastest laps in pocket circuit would be fun minigame catagory


I was also thinking that there should be a set of climax battle runs as they work on form of timer aswell.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago

If you hit the arrow on the side of the list of categories, you will see that we have All Climax Battles and Ultimate Climax Battles. They are hidden by default.

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