GBA+Pro Emulator
Is that the emulator for android? I don't know, other communities are picky with the emulator choices for GBA games and I doubt that an android emulator would be as accurate as Bizhawk, and since there is no data on emulators for this game I'll avoid answering questions you don't know about, also this post is from a year ago wtf
Do you have a Wii U? You can get it there.
I’m not the guy for emulators. Try asking someone else.
some changes
hi! i'd like to detail some recent changes to these boards.
the gba's native framerate is approximately 59.7275 fps. the issue is that a lot of emulators (most notably mgba) use 60 instead of the native framerate by default. while this doesn't sound like that much, this adds up quite a bit, and in