SeviyeBirinci sıra
The Slaying of the Hydra - Prologue
Battle of Yiling
Battle of Ueda Castle
Battle of Dongkou
Battle of Shouchun
Battle of Nagashino
Battle of Odawara Castle
Battle of Nanjun
Battle of Tetorigawa
Battle of Mt. Niutou
Rescue At Taoshui
Rescue at Dongkou
Retreat from Mt. Niutou
Battle of Yiling - Redux
Battle of Nagashino - Redux
Battle of Odawara Castle - Redux
Struggle for Ueda Castle
Breakthrough at Yiling
Invasion of Shouchun
Invasion Of Mikatagahara
Breakthrough at Mikatagahara
Counterattack at Nagashino
Breakthrough at Chibi
Battle of Hasedō
Battle of Kyūshū
Battle of Nanzhong
Battle of Anegawa
Battle of Mt. Dingjun
Battle of Xuchang
Battle of Sekigahara
Battle of Luoyang
Battle of Liang Province
Battle of Mt. Xingshi
Battle of Taoshui
Battle of Jiange
Battle of Mikatagahara
Chaos at Tetorigawa
Purge of Nanzhong
Heroes of Komaki-Nagakute
Diversion at Mt. Xingshi
Battle of Hasedō - Redux
Battle of Mt. Dingjun - Redux
Battle of Xuchang - Redux
Battle of Jiangdong
Battle of Liaodong
Battle of Yan Province
Battle of Xu Province
Infiltration at Anegawa
Ambush at Kyūshū
Pursuit of Da Ji
Breakthrough at Jiange
Siege of Mt. Dingjun
Battle of Tong Gate
Battle of Yangping Gate
Battle of Shizugatake
Battle of Changban
Battle of Honnōji
Battle of Fan Castle
Battle of Yamazaki
Battle of Hulao Gate
Battle of Ōsaka Castle
Battle of Chengdu
Battle of Guangzong
Battle of Luo Castle
Battle of Jieting
Rescue at Yiling
Siege of Shouchun
Siege of Tong Gate
Breakthrough at Guangzong
Defense of Jieting
Liberation of Luo Castle
Battle of Tong Gate - Redux
Battle of Changban - Redux
Battle of Honnōji - Redux
Battle of Fan Castle - Redux
Defense of Yangping Gate
Battle of Wan Castle
Vindication of the Nobility
Ambush at Tong Gate
The Swordsman's Challenge
Defense of Nanjun
Ambush at Yangping Gate
Assistance at Changban
The Slaying of the Hydra - Chapter 4
Into the Fire
Orochi's End
Susano'o's Last Stand
Prelude to Apocalypse
The Demise of Orochi X
World's End
Battle of Hefei
Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Siege of Luoyang
Salvation at Nagashino
Mock Battle on the Wuzhang Plains
The Chaos Revisited
Raid at Honnōji
Struggle at Nanjun
Struggle at Nanjun - Mirror Realm
The Search for Da Ji
A Simple Misunderstanding
Clash at Shizugatake
Clash at Hefei
Clash at Yamazaki
Escape from the Mirror Realm
The Imprisonment of Tamamo
The Search for the Mirror
Defense of Tetorigawa
Rescue at Yan Province
Investigation at Mt. Niutou
Intrigue in Xuchang
Insurrection at Jiange
Battle of Itsukushima
Defense of Tetorigawa - Mirror Realm
Rescue at Yan Province - Mirror Realm
Investigation at Mt. Niutou - Mirror Realm
Intrigue in Xuchang - Mirror Realm
Insurrection at Jiange - Mirror Realm
Defense of the Mystic Realm
Rescue of the Heavenly Emperor
War in the Mystic Realm
War against the Serpent King
Escape from the Mystic Realm
Rescue of the Mystics
The Battle against Tamamo
Pursuit of Kyūbi
Showdown at Odawara Castle
Disturbance In Liang Province
In Search for the Self
Revenge of the Fox
The Battle against Tamamo - Mirror Realm
Virtue's Burden
In Vino Veritas
Mystic Love
Reclusive Beauty
Phantoms of Nanzhong
Keiji's Theme
Lu Bu's Revenge
Animal Rescue
Domestic Disputes
Demons vs Mystics
Dong Zhuo's Ambition
Duelling Heroes
Memories of Vyashion
Ninjas United
True Love
The Art of War
Best of Both Worlds
Stop, Thief!
Warriors of Purity
The Rescue of Da Ji
Every Snake Has Its Day
Champions' Challenge
Zhong Hui's Pride
Party Planners
The Rise of Kiyomori 1
The Rise of Kiyomori 2
Defense of Itsukushima
Monkey Hunt
Speed is of the Essence
Clash of the Conquerors
Fortress Besieged
Master Archers
Sermon at Koshi Castle
Rescue at Honnoji
Sekigahara Sprint
New Recruits
Demon Rescue
Wuhang Mayhem
Talent Acquisition
The Search for Liu Shan
Testing Times
Heroes of Luoyang
Minamoto vs Taira
Journey Impeded
Guyki's Chance
Precious Treasure
The Value of Experience
Sorcery and Ninjutsu
The Fairer Sex
The Path to Paradise
The Rescue of Diaochan
Famed Tacticians
Kaguya's Keepers
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