Bonus Points Formula
Güncelleme tarihi CardsOfTheHeart
tarafından floor( ( [total distance] x [home runs] / 10 + [1000 target bonus] ) x [stage] )
total distance = total distance that your home runs went
home runs = number of home runs hit
target bonus = bonus 1000 pt for hitting the required number of home runs to advance to the next stage
stage = stage number ( Eeyore = 1, Christopher Robin = 8 )
8 home runs against Piglet, stage 3. Total distance: 1061.8m.
1061.8 x 8 = 8494.4 8494.4 / 10 = 849.44 849.44 + 1000 target bonus = 1849.44 1849.44 x 3 = 5548.32
5548 pt
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