Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi3 months ago

for one, zsnes and older versions of snes9x is an absolute BAN without question. I def recommend going through some more popular snes titles to get an idea https://www.speedrun.com/aladdin_snes?h=Any&x=jdz9jv2v

In general I would enforce snes9x 1.53 or above and bsnes/higan as accepted emulators.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi7 months ago

this is false, he is referring to me, I am responding to the thread, made a formal request to satisfy everyones needs and I am awaiting a response for said ticket before finalizing a catefory making. Don't throw me under the bus dude, read what I responded last night and be patient. I am doing what I can to please this Big 20 mob but you are not helping since you did not communicate this with me before making this complaint lol

Ticket 08gjqkn8 and I have DM'd starsmiley : )

Edit: The neglect of reviews probably refers to #49ejewq5 which SRC approved and that matter got solved right away once approved :) So this is someone clearly thinking im in the way of change or gatekeeping people when a request has formally been made to SRC. He would know if he read the forum thread https://www.speedrun.com/lifeforce/forums/ij4u0 But because he forgot to read or are unwilling to communicate with me as a fellow moderator, he is without context misleading you with this thread and is throwing me under the bus. If a new category would be made to satisfy the Big 20 runners, I would propose that Overswarm takes over CzaR as a moderator since he has not stabbed me in the back and from my experience is able to communicate well with others.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi7 months ago

gentlemen, there's a very easy solution if anyone feel like this is a must have. Get a category extension page going, moderate for it and add whatever categories you want. That should satisfy both sides.

Edit: I made the request to get an extention page going with lack as a mod for it since he started this thread. Knock yourself out people.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi7 months ago

nope, im sure there are score sites out there dedicated for that kind of stuff. Here we're interested in beating games fast. Not do 100 jumps as fast as possible with a timer or who can game over the fastest with a timer. Score categories like that on SRC mainly exists in the first place for certain games that doesn't have an ending, they exist because people still love to play the games and there's essentially no other way to go around "speeedrunning" them. But here we have the option of beating it from start to finish.

konu: Skyblazer
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi8 months ago

This already exists https://retroachievements.org/game/2620

And im PERFECTLY happy with not every niche challenge for retro games to become fullfledged speedrun categories. Good thing there are alternative sites for that.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

It would simply result in the making of a new category which likely almost nobody will run since GameBoy emulation is more convenient. But technically we cannot ban it since it's an official release. But whether the collection is emulating the game accurate or not, we don't know since no tests have been made.

All this collection is, is just an emulation of the game that we have no knowledge of, so I would just use the emulators WE do know of. But if you absolutely must then a new category would be made for someone to get a free world record for. On the off chance tests are made in the future and it turns out it is accurate enough to merge with current existing board, then submissions for the "anniversary category" would be transfered over.

themechanicalkoopa bunu beğeniyor
konu: Axelay
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

interesting, I will keep this in mind. Appreciate the visual reference!

AbsoLootAaron bunu beğeniyor
konu: Axelay
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

I have no issue adding a category for Hardest aka "Monkey" difficulty. I would allow a save state, I'm not a fan of how Super Mario Land did it in forcing normal+hard as one consecutive run just to get a chance to run the game on hard.

Loading a state from Konami all rights reserved screen is fine and ya default rules is still in play. Just follow the rules and link a run here when you have something to show and I'll make the actual category.

The real concern I have as a moderator for verifying is whether HOW to tell that a run submission is on hardest difficulty or not, as I don't believe there is a tell for whether you did beat hard or not as you load from a state. So that is something I want resolved so I can easily tell that it was in fact played on hardest.


AbsoLootAaron bunu beğeniyor
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

I personally don't think that makes sense for this game. Looking over the leaderboard for every other installment of this franchise, NONE of them includes IL either.

konu: Gradius
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

At that point, you might as well run Gradius Arcade on emulator via PC, since that's essentially what this archive is anyways.. A category OR game page would be made for it provided a run were to be submitted. Any revision would be allowed since the speedrun standard would become whatever is the fastest, I would NOT make a category per revision.

If someone strongly objects to that with ACTUAL VALID POINTS, im all ears and open minded. Assume latest revision of WolfMAME. Game options should be default, common speedrun standards apply.

Additional platforms for Arcade can be discussed at a later date, but assume PC emulation as the go to, that's how most boards are. Whether other releases are accurate enough to compete, that becomes a later issue.

Pacmogtro bunu beğeniyor
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

Duckstation is THE only accepted emulator and that's not gonna change TODAY at least, as to provide a more leveled playing field. As opposed to console that introduces various loading speed across PS1/PS2 and possibly if it was ever released on PSN digital.

As of right now, it doesn't seem like any of the larger PS1 communities seems to accept it as a platform, so I see very little reason as to why I should consider it at this point. Its not impossible that my stance on the matter could change in the future, but today I would not feel comfortable enough to greenlight it.

I can keep it in mind moving forward and ask around, but I'd prefer to see it find a place on some larger PS1 boards to verify that it holds a place within the PS1 emu scene. They are certainly more knowledgeable than me on the matter im sure, whatever example they set: will more likely result in acceptance here.

My assumption is: because it reads games off an SD-card? How is that gonna emulate disc-read speed for CD based systems? That's a large reason why PSIO is generally not accepted already. So I at first glance would be surprised if mister could ever work for these types of systems with accuracy in mind.

I personally don't see why mister should be added as a platform for disc-based systems. I know its much more highly regarded within the NES community for one, probably with cart based systems generally. But the same I suspect: could not be said for PS1.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

Agreed, should be under DC series / Superman series respectively

Jubilee bunu beğeniyor
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

Community effort for sure, this was made possible by teamwork. Also Thanks Atroz for putting it together in a PB!

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

what is your issue exactly? The fact that its played on Capcom Arcade Stadium? Or that it's using the revision release that makes it the fastest version to run the game?

If you're talking about revision being faster than others, that becomes the default way of running the game: that's how speedrunning works. Typically for Arcade, you don't see a category being made for every revision release. https://www.speedrun.com/mk1

Edit: I just went back and read everything in https://www.speedrun.com/ghosts_n_goblins/thread/3s5dd

And I still agree with everything that is said here. But everyone so far have done runs on Jap Rev A, so there's really no need to take any action yet. If enough people start submitting via different revisions, eventually the arcade leaderboard will likely get its own game page as previously discussed years ago. But it is not currently an immediate concern.

Doctor_zyd bunu beğeniyor
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

ya in regards of SRL here also, they still accept VBA for GBA emultion, which is super banned and has been for a while when it comes to actual speedrunning. mGBA is much, much better.

SRL generally have not been updated at all since I started speedrunning in 2017, I would not trust that site at all.

Tenka bunu beğeniyor
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi1 year ago

I'm no expert on Arcade, I looked into it once though. You could reach out to Tenka whom moderates various Mortal Kombat titles, he runs arcade all the time and have a good idea on how that all works.


Edit: Also I believe it should say 1.52 rather than 1.43 on snes9x rules


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